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1-Forest-1 August 21, 2023 6:58 pm

Probably one of the worst written manhwas I’ve ever waisted my time on. So many plot holes. Why was Lou Bo shipped in a BOX?? His mom could have literally dropped him off the normal way as she does so later in the story. Why was mc put up for adoption if he’s part of the royal family? Why does the prince get a say in everything like where is the king? Also I get that the blonde creep is prince of vampires but does that mean vampires own land? Bc if vampires have their own country why is it not considered te**orism when they literally break into the wolf clans personal homes and kidnap important figures constantly. But at the same time the story makes it seem like the bunny people werewolves vampires and whatever the f the people w horns are all live together??? That’s another thing wtf are the people w horns and are these the only four sects of people?? What does being a pure blood vampire mean compared to a halfblood/ quarter blood? Like what powers do they have that are even unique when the mc can literally do all the same stuff. The world building in this is just god awful. Not to mention the relationship building. I liked that in the beginning chapters the mc had a spine and stood up for himself but then he became such a push over to the immature ml soooo boring like be serious. It happened so out of nowhere too. Also the way that some panels don’t match up really sends me lmao. Like that scene where they’re in the rain together standing but then then suddenly they’re sitting on the stairs for no reason and then the scene cuts and they’re in the same position but for some reason the stairs disappeared and they’re on the side of the road??, ugh anyways yeah this manhwa sucks if your over the age of like 13 your better off looking elsewhere for something to read.

1-Forest-1 June 2, 2021 4:03 am

Ch 82

    Meow June 2, 2021 5:50 am

    Not sure if you know, but there is a bookmarking system already made lmao. And they’ve recently made it to show the bookmark on the front page of the manga :’)

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