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THIS IS SOOOO GOOD. the story, the art, all of it!! except the psycho brother hah you deserved to die, btch. i hope your happiness will continue, yiseon baby <3

what. . .it has a longer version???????????????

i can't digest the fact that they will be together at the end (based on some spoilers i read) because WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU FUCKING ZHENYA?!?!?!?!?! i can't even see him redeeming himself for taekjoo and the two being in love with each other????? no way in hell.

dang that's big. it can be lethal. please can they stop with the unrealistic big dick, i swear it's not sexy anymore.

<-- latest obsession created a topic of Contradict

both feelings are valid :(( this chapter is too short :((

this should have more chapters.

<-- latest obsession created a topic of Reunion

when will the next season start? i miss them.

that yakuza guy is the father. why did she selfishly pointed out touma and sentarou as the kid's father?!?!?! i really hate you ririko.

i don't know why i let this sleep in my TBR list for long but i'm glad i read this now. this is such a nice read!!!

i thought this is completed. :(( this is such a nice read!!

i don't know what to feel after finishing this story HAHAHAHA. but please i hope pil-gyun will call nanmu babe during the deed. i know, i know, they're not blood related but you know, he's more of a dad figure to pil gyun than the director. and pil gyun could be an actor after graduating college. he has talent. My god i don't even know if his emotions were true everytime he cries... overall, i'm glad they're free from those evils and can live life normally.

<-- latest obsession created a topic of Foul's Start

I'M READY FOR THE ANGST as long as he wouldn't turn into a complete bubbles. . .

this is cuuuute!!! but i agree with the ex, i like his hair before :< although his hair now made him look younger. the story/plot is nice too!!!! i love both of them <3

commander doubting alexei's feelings when he saved you twice? and then making him give you a head just to show that alexei "really" likes you?!?!

oh well. the plot is unique tho, super unique.

aryka thinking it's probably his fault that vince and yoen's relationship ruined?!?!?! NO WAY.

i guess the length of the story is fine. direct and no unnecessary drama. i'm confused with the low rating tho. but oh well, we all have different tastes in liking a story. but this can cleanse your typical toxic BL. :)