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Nigel did ( All 1 )

get a tattoo

Nigel's experience ( All 1 )

15 07,2016
I have only 1 tattoo on my arm next to my wrist of a ram, that I had done about 2 years ago now. My tattoo is very simple and plain, and not the best first tattoo, but I have always loved tattoos and will continue to always love them. The first time I receitthis tattoo, I know I would always want to have this done and continue to get more. They are......   reply
15 07,2016

Nigel's answer ( All 1 )

My first kiss was nothing. I was in the 4th grade and it was with a boy I didn't really care for, during a stupid game like spin the bottle or something. I don't have the best memory, but I can remember how much I did not care or feel anything.   reply
19 06,2016

Nigel's question ( All 0 )