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Lady tikki created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I don't like how candy was mentioned... Sleeping for too long?? Ohh she's about to go.... Candy about to see the pearly white gates and i have a feeling cirrus will loose it.

Lady tikki created a topic of Homeless/No Home

This bitch really thought giving us a sob story was gonna absolve everything shitty thing they've done to Eunyung??? Talking bout how my father beat me is the reason why i beat you too.... BITCH SHUT THE HELL UP YOU SKANK


Lady tikki created a topic of Homeless/No Home

WHERE THE FUXK DID EUNYUNG GET HIS BLOND HAIR AND LOOKS FROM?!? his parents look like shriveled asparaguses so where?!??

Lady tikki asked a question

Any BL where the seme falls in love with the uke and the uke has absolutely no idea about it?. thanks

Lady tikki asked a question

For anyone that wants a yaoi with hot men and feels like a fever dream. This manhwa is so unique and weird but with superb artwork that i can stand it being unknown....

For anyone that wants a slice of life thats got comedy, still gets depressing and realistic.


Lady tikki created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Im genuinely confused about why ppl are hating on Skylar cause of fucking chapter 101?!? I read it and his reaction was totally justifiable with how crazy cirrus is acting... He block someone on Skylar's phone?!? Shiii I'd ne hella mad too... They need to break up and make up until cirrus gets some therapy... He has a lot of baggage not to mention skylar has his own issues too.... They are not in the right mind to be dating... Ppl hating on skylar must be shallow

Lady tikki created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I get why he's acting like this towards Chan il... That guy is always in a good mood, has a loving family, is popular with everyone, kind, has a loving girlfriend and not to mention skylar had a crush on him... So to hear "its ok" from a person like that telling you about your fucked up family situation, all the abuse and loneliness he has had to go through would make me annoyed too. "Wtf does he know about what im going through?" Is what he's thinking... Cirrus needs therapy, and if he doesn't get it, his relationship with skylar while go down hill cause skylar would be on the receiving end of all the trauma he has had all those years

Yknow... Its one thing reading a manhwa that has the tag "smut" on it... And its another reading a manhwa that was all fluff and then BAM!!! smut!! Without warning. The author really didn't need to show us how the FL was made but alrr

Lady tikki created a topic of Owari no Seraph

Girl really said "for love". And the guy she loves is just right there.

Lady tikki created a topic of Killing Stalking

Bruhh i was like wtfff??its been 5 years?? Why is there a ping like the helll

Lady tikki asked a question

So im looking for this villainess manhwa. Its got really gorgeous art. From what i can remember with this manhwa is that the villainess had purple hair. She used to have a crush on this red haired guy who happened to despise her alot. I remember she went to an information guild to get some info about someone not knowing that someone was actually the guild master she was talking to...

Lady tikki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Ion know about yall but im trynna enjoy the beautiful moment and the one of em calls him 'canis lupus' and i just loose it

Dear Alfonso,
I love you, i really do. But i just suddenly got hit by your friends beauty that i think i may have crossed over to the other side i know you are the endgame but let me dream for now

But in all honesty there wouldn't be that much tension during their first meeting like that!! If he really was just insignificant. Alfonso is fine but RAFAEL??? Hoooooo.... Alas i know heart shall be broken in the end but i root for him

Im sorry Alfonso but your friend is much hotter.... Goshhhh

Lady tikki asked a question

Anyone know the alternative name of the manhwa. Dont pick up the trash you threw away, cause im using this name to find it here but its showing no results. Its about the FL waiting for her husband to come home from battle for 6 years only for him to come with a pregnant woman.

Lady tikki asked a question

Anyone got recommendation of a good school drama, with pleasing art? Something similar to inso's law, the fox club and couple breaker (if it has romance id love straight romance). Something with friendship drama, romance drama?

Lady tikki created a topic of Yours to Claim

So they were meant to be in the end huh?? But its strange how even though i was team cain, im not mad. I might as well shift to team yahwi now

Lady tikki created a topic of Yours to Claim

There needs to be an option to not get these hiatus notices Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Lady tikki created a topic of Yours to Claim

Anyone notice like how cherry blossom after winter season 1 was all fluff and season 2 was all smut but for this manhwa season 1 was all smut and season 2 is angst