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Mona February 9, 2021 7:21 am

Can I have some of y'all favorite Shoujos and Josei pls ?
I'm cool with any genre

Mona February 4, 2021 8:06 am

I just read this comment and wanted more people to know about it :-

"It's a misconception that the age of consent in Japan is 13. It's a lot more complicated. Japan allows prefectures to decide to choose a higher age. Most, if not all, prefectures have their age of consent at at least 16 years, so there's pretty much no place in Japan that you can go where you can fuck a 13 year old as an adult. Furthermore, Japan has the Child Care Protection Act that states that no adult is allowed to sleep with a minor. In Japan, a person that is younger than 20 is a minor, so adults are still not allowed to sleep with kids. So the age of consent is really just so minors can sleep with each other without fear of the law. In other words; there are a lot of rules in place that nullify the minimum age of 13 years.
I just thought that this had to be said, because a lot of people don't know this and it might help if random people happen to read my comment and get informed"

Mona February 1, 2021 2:25 pm

Can I have some :-
Post Apocalyptic

Mangas pls ?
Anything that you may think fits in these categories pls ?

Thank you (=・ω・=)

Mona January 31, 2021 9:55 am

Hey guys , I know this might be annoying or irritating but I would like to bring attention to supporting the creators of the Webtoons,Mangas, Mahwas etc you read here .

If you have the means to do so pls support them .
It is their whole livelihood. I , myself can't support them financially but I try to help them using coupons and points whenever I can .

They need the support to provide us more wonderful creations. So pls try to do so even points and likes help them alot .

Thank you .

    tofumato January 31, 2021 10:02 am

    I also started to read on official sites especially when I found out that it's really easy to collect free coins. And I also started to support them financially whether I have money or none.

Mona January 20, 2021 2:32 pm

Yo ... can I pls have some of them ?

Mona January 20, 2021 12:11 pm

Can I have some Historical or Yakuza Shoujo pls ?
I'm cool with it having smut and stuff .
I just wanna see some hot guys wearing some yukatas and a strong enough FL .

Mona January 16, 2021 1:39 pm

Can I get some recs like Aidin pls ?
I'm cool with manhwa , manga or manhua ....

I'm also cool with any strong fls and prominent enough mls....

Mona January 15, 2021 3:42 pm

Can I pls have your favourites for straight Mangas?
I'm cool with any genre (isekai would be cool ) ... and also if they are like Manhua or Manhwa ...

Mona January 9, 2021 5:16 pm

Is this gonna get more translated chapters ? ... I heard that its been continued till chapter 67 and has 50 here .

The non translated ones are on toonkr I think

Mona January 7, 2021 4:56 am

Hey guys , y'all know when BL Motel is going to get updated ? .. Is it still on Hiatus? ..

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