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marilala December 6, 2020 7:22 am

Ok I love lil Nakyum but why is he so damn dumb, all he had to say was like "some dudes kidnapped me for ransom, I managed to escape at night but couldn't make out their faces" damnnn dear author please don't make Nakyum too much of a dumbass

    Moni December 6, 2020 7:32 am

    EXACTLY! he doesn’t even need to name any names! What a dumbass (7-7)

    cathers December 6, 2020 7:35 am

    Giiirl hes traumatized as fuck. Hes afraid that if he said anything, the kidnapper would kill him.

    chanzu December 6, 2020 8:02 am
    EXACTLY! he doesn’t even need to name any names! What a dumbass (7-7) Moni

    wow yes lets call someone whos been through shit and trauma a dumbass :)

    marilala December 6, 2020 8:10 am
    Giiirl hes traumatized as fuck. Hes afraid that if he said anything, the kidnapper would kill him. cathers

    Girl stop looking for excuses

    Moni December 6, 2020 8:30 am
    wow yes lets call someone whos been through shit and trauma a dumbass :) chanzu

    He’s a dumbass AND has trauma :p

    cathers December 7, 2020 6:16 am
    Girl stop looking for excuses marilala

    TFF YOU MEAAANNN??!?!??! He was kidnapped, gagged, strangled, and told that it would happen again if he said anything. Not to mention the fact that the kidnapper talked about mutilating him, ripping his toungue off, etc.

marilala March 4, 2018 11:34 am

This chapter seems so strange to me, how are they not calling the police?
Its not even like her bf slapped her, which would be bad enough, he punched her in the face and invaded her privacy. And everyone is ok with it like oh he beat you, you should break up and thats it.
Or Shinya could at least beat the dude up, idk his reaction was just so mellow. They immediately went on to talk about dancing and Shinyas secret crush, like your sister just got punched dude go and do something about it. Isn't this supposed to be a somewhat realistic manga.

    Ju-on March 4, 2018 12:56 pm

    I would have expected that reaction from all the characters, like, staying quiet and being "let's solve this the least scandalous way we know", even Aki, because she blames herself for failing with her asshole of a boyfriend. But I didn't expect that from Suzuki, cuz he's hot tempered and he likes her a lot, like a sister. I hoped that he would rush out to get the guy and be pissed for her. But no. Well, I know the author wants to rush to the actual dance part, but overlook a chapter which is supposed to demonstrate some character connection between Suzuki and Aki... felt lazy. She could've done better for both Aki and the plot. Poor girl. ( ̄へ ̄)

    Anonymous May 2, 2018 12:17 am

    I think its EXTREMELY realistic to be honest, as an Asian person, its more of a cultural difference than anything to be honest. In Asia,especially its more like they keep it to themselves, trying not to bring too much attention to it cause it will spread and people would start people gossiping about it.

    How many times are we afraid of doing something because of someone’s disapproval or the chance at gossip, even though we know it’s the right thing to do?. Asians force themselves to buy an expensive house or accept a prestigious job because of “face.” The same can be applied to this situation. They have to keep a 'face' , a clean profile throughout their lives because gossip will ruins someones family and in this case, the girl.

    Getting rid of the “face” burden takes courage, but freeing yourself will be the reward.

    Calling the police? I'm not sure about that. Asian culture emphasizes modesty(smallness). As a result, I think they shy away from promoting ourselves too much, especially when it comes to situation that only foster the bad stains in ones life. Theres been times when my mum was too afraid to call the doctor and the police, and me being Asian but living all my life in europe, I still don't understand why and had to call them myself.

    But trust me, it is because in America and Europe, everyone is very opinionated and free to voice out their opinions without looking back on the consequences. We've been nurtured this throughout school with teachers preaching to tell them any problem we had whether it was depression or pregnancy problems. Wherease in Japan, this is a whole different situation. You won't see the same support over there (especially depression). Nurture plays a massive role in this to be honest.

    Honesty, I understand the Japanese men and women in this manga acting like this because its not really their fault but not the foreigners such as Suzuki. But yet again, I don't really know about latin culture, so I can not say that he is at fault too.

    hoped it helped (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Tracki12 July 12, 2018 12:36 am

    Do not forget, she is a famous figure, this scandal could ruin her career. And although her bf is a piece of shit, her career ending is not worth his ass being questioned by police and probably escaping with a fine or something

    Rue July 13, 2018 2:55 am
    Do not forget, she is a famous figure, this scandal could ruin her career. And although her bf is a piece of shit, her career ending is not worth his ass being questioned by police and probably escaping with a ... Tracki12

    Also gossip will change it to ‘he beat her because his slutty girlfriend slept with her dance partner’ then that circulates in media which snow balls it. Media always changes it to be the females fault. ‘She shouldn’t wear those types of dresses’ ‘she shouldn’t dance like that with a guy who’s not he boyfriend/husband’ etc
    I didn’t tell anyone when I was abused at school because I was so scared it would ruin my dads carer ‘police can’t even protect his own’ I can’t imagine what it’d be like with my own carer on the line. I spoke up about being bullied at butlins and I got fired. Even in uk gossip still holds more power than the law. Sorry if I’ve overstepped.

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