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Belazai December 28, 2023 11:38 am

One thing that I realized and that breaks my heart is that in ch 45 in the mother's flashback, Liryca asks her mom "You won't do anything bad to me right ?" and we know that Liryca has this survival almost spider sense that has kept her from danger all this time. This means that in her head she could hear the alarms going but she decided to ignore them cause her beloved mother wouldn't do anything terrible to her, or at least she thought that doing what her mother told her could finally bring her mom some happiness even if it cost her wellbeing.

Belazai August 15, 2023 10:29 pm

Maybe Kaya is like the reincarnation of some really scary entity or person, and maybe most of the scary entity stayed on Kaya's mother's body and that's why she looks possed

Belazai's questions ( All 1 )

Belazai February 24, 2024 8:58 pm

So there's this manhwa that I read a while back but I don't remember the name and I can't seem to find it. Basically the premise was a rich guy contractually marries a poor guy to piss off his grandfather, and the poor guy accepts because he is full of debt, so it was a win-win situation. The poor guy was working in the wedding venue and the rich guy was left at the altar by his fiance because she ran away with her girlfriend, he needed a substitute and proposed to the first person he saw and eventually, they fell in love and the grandpa accepted their relationship. Please help me find the name of this manwha i just really want to read it again, and sorry about my broken english it's just not my first language.

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