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×DEAD×'s experience ( All 0 )

×DEAD×'s answer ( All 2 )

That my dad died from sickness (ngl this might be depressing) but he actually committed suicide.... And that if I don't do my homework I will fail my classes, even though I didn't fail any of them.. ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)   reply
01 09,2020
So the actual link is   reply
31 08,2020

×DEAD×'s question ( All 2 )

I know I am.
Well anyone want to play Uno?
Or you can just look at this my friend is like sending me these every single day (◠-◠) so who wants to look at it? Cuz this might cute your boredom I guess.
31 08,2020
×DEAD× 30 08,2020
My friend told me to send this to random people so here you go random people of the internet I guess
Anyways who else is bored? Anyone want to play rock paper scissors?
30 08,2020