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plagueee7 December 11, 2020 3:38 am

do y’all have any mobile apps you’d rec for typesetting? im on my own rn using picsart but the fonts aren’t the greatest.

    weewoo December 11, 2020 3:58 am

    clean up/redraw with picsart or any other mobile drawing app(like ibis x). phonto has tons of fonts, and u can customize it anyway you feel!

    mintcum December 11, 2020 4:36 am

    Try some free art apps? I think medibang and ibis x have a text tool but I'm not sure. Procreate has a text tool but you gotta pay for it

    plagueee7 December 11, 2020 5:15 am
    clean up/redraw with picsart or any other mobile drawing app(like ibis x). phonto has tons of fonts, and u can customize it anyway you feel! weewoo

    ahokok ty!!

    plagueee7 December 11, 2020 5:15 am
    Try some free art apps? I think medibang and ibis x have a text tool but I'm not sure. Procreate has a text tool but you gotta pay for it mintcum

    yea ill probably ping pong between sum. ty!

plagueee7 December 5, 2020 10:58 pm

ill take anything really but pls gimme some puppy-like mc x tough guy titles if you have em

or those really angsty ones where it’s an asshole playboy messing with this guy and then the guy gets fed up and the assholes like “oHhhHhh nOoOoO”

plagueee7 November 11, 2020 3:14 am

does a manga categorized as a seinen and a BL (mlm) exist? i feel like the genres have potential to be compatible, but i have no idea if such a thing has been made lmao

plagueee7 October 26, 2020 10:10 pm

i dont remember how it started, but one of the characters became a boxer at the other characters gym. he didn't have an interest in boxing at all, but he was really really good. i think he had longer white hair?? and often times there would be scenes showing two children playing a "game" (which was reprsentative of his life/mental illness). one of the children was like a sociopath and the other had really destructive emotional outbursts.
there was also a part where the boxer went on a diet and passed out because he wasn't eating properly and the other character scolded him for it. and in the end the boxer lost a big match and was worried the other guy would leave him for him (he didn't obvi.) i think the two characters were sleeping together throughout the story.

pls lmk if you know what im talking abt!

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