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Foxglove created a topic of Danshiryou no Omocha

I get it, not everyone is so weak to this kind of trope as I am. But 100 pages of hate-rage against this story? Is this really necessary? If you don't like it, why do you waste your time? There are enough cute stories with nice clean black and white charas out there, as they seem so much in trend nowadays.
In general: Please, respect the work of authors! Making a Manga is not just about being good at drawing. Creating a story and telling it in a way people can understand and enjoy is really hard work! Everyone who gives it a try (even only writing) will soon realise and start respecting at least the effort.

In my opinion, at least up to chapter 100 Mangaka-san did a really good job creating a tough and steamy story. I myself had no problem following the reasoning of the characters at all. Also, it is not easy to create such a hateable character like Sora - many authors fail this trope because it is mentally hard to make your protagonists so badass or suffer so much.
In the second half of the story, I admit, it got a little bit more difficult to follow their trail of thoughts and some twists came out of nowhere. Stil, Mangaka-san put a lot of work into cleaning the emotional mess of the first half up and showing us the MCs strength, nice deep sidecharacters and Soras remorse. There was sufficient character development for my taste - though I admit that might be because I love this kind of story and my brain already subconciously hunts down every fleeting hint of romantical emotions.

I really think, this poor manga is so underrated, mainly because of one dark character or rather, because nowadays the audience tends to be more resentful than the MC. And plotless shit like "Window to Window" gets a rating of 9.2. It is so unfair.

All in all, to me, the worst about this story was the uploader. Okay, even only ripping it from some App where it already has been translatet IS quite some work, so a little bit of SCREAMING OUT YOUR F*CKING THOUGHTS ON EVERY CHAPTER IN A WAY READERS CAN HARDLY NOT READ IT is something illegal readers have to bear with. But WHY THE SHIT DO THEY HAVE TO SPOILER F*CKING 30 CHAPTERS AHEAD? Learn some basic manners! Please!