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Manga(63) 2023-01-30 0

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Kae June 19, 2021 3:25 pm

Her biological brother is such a jerk. I'm still in chapter 5 but I think he should be one that had died instead of her parents. Even if I had known his reasons it doesn't mean that he can release his anger to her. Such a jerk plastic brother, that was only there when the situation is nice but when there's a problem he can't be trusted.

Kae May 19, 2021 3:59 am

Since he was a child he was scolded of stealing in front of he's classmates when actually that bitch teacher can just nicely explain what did he did wrong.
Then he was pranked by that moron classmates that don't really have nothing good to do and accused him of being a rapist (I forgot what he was actually accused with) just because of his gloomy appearance and coincidental description, when he was really not and when the actual shitty rapist was found no one apologized for talking bullshit about him and that moron classmate too he just pissed his ass off, if Darim doesn't confront him I bet he will just shrug it off.

P.S sorry for the wrong grammar, I'm not good at english

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