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Tōru created a topic of Waterside Night


Tōru created a topic of One Summer Day

Also Mr long hair if you don’t leave my baby alone I s2g!!!!

Tōru created a topic of Dreadful Night

I love it. Blow his back out!!!!

Tōru created a topic of Jinx

but it won’t last

Tōru created a topic of Final Stop

Tell me that’s the baby reborn cus I’ll cry again if it ain’t…. The tears were incessant when the puppy showed up!!!

Tōru created a topic of Waterside Night

I feel like Euiyoung is gonna end up being kidnapped by the shit stain father

And Euihyun is prolly gonna have that baby…

Tōru created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I fucking hate him!!!!

Tōru created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I can’t wait for revisiting Heejae simp era

Tōru created a topic of Comes In Threes

Ah-in’s teeth and my fist

Tōru created a topic of Jinx

Jk like it’ll ever happen

Anyways Dan’s guts about to be renovated

Tōru created a topic of Waterside Night

I know he fucked up the first two seasons but Euihyun is making him work for it hehehe

Tōru created a topic of Dreadful Night

Our unhinged king keeps slaying, meanwhile

Tōru created a topic of The Origin of Species

I loved this manhwa so fucking much youngjin was an it girl esp in that cheongsam and seunghyun was a green flag throughout—I hope they eventually make the sequel with the omega smuggler and the other president!!! I want to see more of the babies!!!

Tōru created a topic of Bye Bye

And I wish they showed us the baby

Tōru created a topic of Be Frank and Strict
Tōru created a topic of Dreadful Night

Doha may be crazy…but so am I

Tōru created a topic of Jinx

The only good thing in this chapter is grandma

Tōru created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

I can’t wait for clickity clop to suffer