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Ace created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

Yaaaalllll did the ML break the fourth wall? Omg. Did he? Wtf. That sent a shiver down my spine.

Ace created a topic of Green Apple Paradise

Guys I'm somewhere at chapter 6 and why tf did their names change suddenly? Ohmygossshhhhh it's unsettling. Upto what chapter do to they have these fake names?

Ace created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Hate this bitch.
But also dojun did taeseok real dirty here.
Just up and leaving with your previous crush and going on a trip without telling your boyfriend. No matter who you are ,what you are, this is no way to behave with someone who loves you so much. Man you couldn't even inform your boyfriend where you're going what you're doing especially when the relationship is under stress rn. There's limits to being irresponsible af but dojun was beyond that line. The stress these actions puts on people who genuinely love you is actually so infuriating

Ace created a topic of Form of Broken Love

Yeah no. The teacher deserves to be beaten to death. Fucking slut whore asshole

Ace created a topic of Reunion

I can't express how muchhhhh love and adoration I have for these two and for this manhwa.
The storyline,the plot, the pacing,the characters, the art everything is sooooo perfect. Soooooo stunning. Such an underrated gem.
This is the kind of manhwa that deserves the kind of attention trash like jinx gets. This is the kind of manhwa that deserves adaptations. I cant wait to see how this story unfolds. I haven't been this excited about a manhwa in so long.

Ace created a topic of Sunshine Shower
Ace created a topic of Gig of the Day

Not gonna say much against ML. As much as i want him to love MC and for the to be in the relationship taesoo has not led our baby yeomin on. He set the record straight the moment he realised that yeomin was thinking they were in relationship. He didnt lead him on just to have sex and asked him clearly if yeomin wanted to stop.
I hope yeomin realises that he deserves to be loved soooo much so he doesn't have to settle down just for a physical relationship just coz taesoo did some basic humane things for him. I'm cheering on for our baby
BUTTTtTT Taesoo you mf, atleast ge tthe child a fucking bed if you're gonna have rough sex. Look aty baby's blue knees.

Ace created a topic of Macguffin

Yes the sympathy for the mc is so valid but what I do not see mentioned a lot in the comment section is any sympathy for the ML.
Yes we know MC is hurt beyond words and is suicidal af. And he needs to be cured and saved and loved but what people do not understand is howwwwwww difficult it is to continue people with depression especially this severe. Mc also seems to have personality disorder. The ML has unconditionally loved the MC. Taking care of someone this mentally ill is such a huge challenge and often times people only the pain of the person who is ill but never of the one who is loving that person through such a tough time. 99% of people would leave such severely mentally unstable suicidal person behind which tbh is not wrong (because it's sooooo taxing to love them that you lose sight of everything else) but i have sooooooo much deep respect and real adoration for people like ML who has genuinely been calm and composed and has put MC before himself and everything. I can't even begin to imagine how much love he would need to get over such severe stress. No one's taking care of him. I sympathise with him so much. I hope he has a happy life.

Ace created a topic of Love in Orbit

Kill the dad sacha. Kill him. Or let me do the job. I'll do it happily with a smile on my face.

Ace created a topic of The Deputy Wants To Do It

Bongsoo lost in the sauce lol

Ace created a topic of Form of Broken Love

The mc is the kind of person who deserves slow painful life and more pai ful death full of regrets. He is the literal definition of what a shameless cheating slut, who deserves to live every second of his life in excruciating pain and have an even painful death and afterlife. Fuck him hope he is found dead. Mf asshole. I hope the ML spits at his face when this asshole goes to apologise or anything, slap him into the depths of hell where he burns till eternity. Maybe that will be enough sadism for this whore

Ace created a topic of Wish You All the Best
Ace created a topic of Jinx

This mf. How is he trying to be the victim here yet again? Fucking loser.

Ace created a topic of Jinx

Ittttssssss timmmmmeeeeee.
I don't want a lotttttt for April,there is just one thingggggg i neeeeeddd and iiiiiiii I want JAEKYUNG TO SUFFEERR TILL ETERNIIITYYYY AND STAYYYY IN GUILT AND LOSE HIS DIGNITYYYYYYYYYYY

Ace created a topic of Waterside Night


Ace created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Stupid uke's are such an ick and this one makes me hurl time to time. How stupid is stupid enough for this mindless idiot? Ooofff get this man some nerve cells for once.

Ace created a topic of Gig of the Day

"He just never shuts up*
Mf in next 15 chapters you're gonna be begging on your knees to her his voice and i hope you have to beg so much, for long time so much that your patella breaks while you beg on your knees. I hope our lil baby ignores him and there's a second lead who is better than this mf

Ace created a topic of Steel Under Silk

If anyone of them is remotely hurt I'm waging war. I will end everyone with my own two hands. Nobbooddyyyy finna touch my babbbbiiesssss

Ace created a topic of Sugar Rain

Why were these characters given mouths if they were not gonna use it. INSTEAD THEY'RE USING IT TO MAKEOUT IN THE HOSPITAL LOBBY