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MidnightSpy created a topic of Majo no Kaigashuu

am I crying? absolutely ╥﹏╥

NOOOOooooooOOooooo~ I should have marinated this ヽ(`Д´)ノ

MidnightSpy created a topic of Free in Dreams

Dam, DAM!!

MidnightSpy created a topic of Jinx

"kick him out when I get tired of him" thought??!! EXCUSE ME!!??

MidnightSpy created a topic of Free in Dreams

This better not turn around into that again

MidnightSpy created a topic of Jinx

huh?'s it?.... Σ(っ°Д °;)っ HUUhh???...

MidnightSpy created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Bring that mf down woooaahhh!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

MidnightSpy created a topic of Midnight Dweller

He be like "wait?what?Im pregnant?"

"Give a smile if you like them" this line reminds me when streamers say "Be sure to give a like and subscribe if you enjoy watching me" ( ̄∇ ̄") (please tell me I'm not the only one)

I want one of those plushie

MidnightSpy created a topic of Shine on You

Why are the men in this story are so ugly both inside and out (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Let me squish that face,cutie I want to pinch their faces so cute

MidnightSpy created a topic of I Thought It Was Time!

MidnightSpy created a topic of Baby Tyrant

I really really want to pinch her checks so bad like ༼;´༎  ༎༽, she so.cute,the story is also so cute, everything is adorable,.aaaaaaaaaaaa

MidnightSpy created a topic of MADK

no,no cause why did I find this beautiful (/TДT)/,gawd five star fo me, I can't, I've never been so interested in a manga like this before, aaaaa..... ┗( T﹏T )┛

MidnightSpy created a topic of Our Sunny Days

the last chapter made me giggle so much i can't, aaaaaa../....