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mya answered question about question
When anime edits were actually edits and not slide shows or 1 clip being rewinded 5 times
mya created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Artist could put this energy into another story.. but gives a non-canon side story.. who tf asked for this

mya created a topic of Obsidian Bride

Why tf are they kissing in the raws, (owl and obsidian) shit looks like it’s ending soon wtf

mya created a topic of Let's Do it Just Once!
mya answered question about question
Wait I’m confused?? Are Jinx fans making accounts to pretend to be someone else???
mya answered question about procrastination
I got rejected from, canes, target, Marshall’s, krogers, HEB, some shoe store, Khols, petsmart, etc. I had 7 months worth of fast food experience 0 retail. I started applying outside my area and I’ve gotten interviews THE NEXT DAY. Lotssss of stores will reject you if your resume doesn’t look good. There’s people on Reddit who will che......
mya answered question about question
Hydration, inside and out. I recommend anyone to see a dermatologist. They’ll find out if your acne is hormones or your eating diet. Hydration toner/serum and spot treatment, (salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, etc.) Don’t over do it. I broke my skin barrier by using too many products and believe it or not.. too many new produc......
mya created a topic of My Girlfriend's Not Here Today

this shit not that good to be updating once a month and yes ima wait

mya answered question about question
yuhhhp I got fake headless (2 aren’t original)
mya answered question about question
mya answered question about question
mya answered question about question
After Picsart made 80% of their site a paywall after that one trend.. yes
mya answered question about question
Phone numbers and clicking any link they send you. I’m sure they pay sites $$$ to straight up doxx someone without knowing any information. For phone numbers Spokeo , and for links Grapify or grabify (I think).. that’s the site someone used to doxx me.
mya created a topic of Obsidian Bride

Does the owl guy know who amber is? I thought he was running the whole game.

So glad we’re seeing something happen.. i was genuinely hoping he would join to rizz her up lmfaooo

mya created a topic of Bungou Stray Dogs

fuck sigma should’ve stayed dead

mya answered question about question
mya answered question about question
If the story is a continuation of SA then bbg it’s going in the trash. Idgaf how much the man begs he’s trash and so is the story. If the SA is from a characters background/past then, obviously that’s not the same thing. No one is judging too fast because they don’t want to see them end up with the person who raped or SAed them.
mya created a topic of Where Tangents Meet

Wishing she would re-draw this

mya answered question about chat about anything
I had so many crazy experiences w ppl falling for me without them seeing my face. It’s honestly interesting to experience. I think it’s more of the way you text and act + them fantasizing of you and what you look like. I remember this guy fell for me HARD, he would send voice memos of him crying cus I said no. () It’s so interesting how ......
mya created a topic of Obsidian Bride

ML is so boring.

After knowing she won’t be given any information she should’ve started playing her own game. She’s insanely bland and has no personality/dominance.

I really enjoyed this, but I was expecting her to feel some type of way after knowing she’s just being used to fill in a spot, now she’s basically on her own.

(Idk why I keep thinking this is a recantation, but she technically did get another chance if I remember correctly.) Wish she would step up.