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mczia created a topic of Tadaima, Okaeri

I am sooo curious on how Hiromu and Masaki got together. Like— I am just curious how they started.

mczia asked a question

Hello everyone!

I don’t know if this particular novel has a manhwa. I remember reading a manhwa, the regression & game-sque type of manhwa, a long long time ago. But I ended up reading the novel of it. The only thing I remember is that the mc regressed, and one of the first stages he underwent was in a school. The characters were like— being killed by a monster in the school and their job was to survive (ithink).

I do remember that every time they have to play a game they would get a text on the day and time. I just don’t remember the title

mczia asked a question

I am looking for a manhwa/manhua where the main character is a already strong swordsman that got trapped for thousands (?) of years. And then when he got untrappes and of course he returned, he then saved a child and it became his life goal to raise the child (or not, I really didn’t progress that far. I think)

Thank you so much for respondingg

mczia created a topic of The Guy Upstairs

The author will discontinue this series

mczia asked a question

Hello everyone! I am looking for a bl manhwa that I’ve been wanting to read but I forgot the title. As far as I can remember the top is on the older side, he is also rich and the bottom is on the poorer side. So the top is helping him out, this and that. So the bottom also thought that they have something special and thought that they were in love and turns out the top doesn’t even love the bottom and does not understane the concept of love (?) i think?