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Megumi July 4, 2021 3:28 pm

he's just being manipulative. go for it. he's the one who chose to stay then he should be ready for any consequences. you're not responsible for his death, kotone

Megumi May 28, 2021 3:41 pm

idk the uke was kinda being too persistent about his life as if he's the only one going through something and other people have it easier cause they have money ... i support him but pls just stop being obstructive

    Nosta ♡ May 30, 2021 3:29 pm

    Yes. Like okay, you poor, you don’t have it easy, we got it. Money makes life easier, but it doesn’t make you happier. Seungeon’s the perfect example of that. He never had to starve or worry about tuition, but he’s not happy either. You can tell from how fucked up he is. But Jiwook need to be less obsessed. Studying’s important to Jiwook. Only by studying would he have a chance to escape poverty so I get why he’s mad at Seungeon. But he need to loosen up. Live a little. Don’t be so caught up about the future and focus a little more on the present. You got yourself a boyfriend who’s flawed and all and he doesn’t have the best personality but he try to be there for you. He try to help you even if the way he approach it hurts your pride. He’s rich, but he doesn’t look down on you. A pampered rich boy like him stay at your shabby house, but he doesn’t complain. I honestly would never date someone like Jiwook. It took Seungeon so much effort to get close to Jiwook and finally establish a relationship, but Jiwook... he’s prepared for it to end anytime. I felt that the fiasco about Seungeon lying about needing help with his study became a good excuse for Jiwook to end things with Seungeon. Jiwook never had confidence in the relationship to begin with. It’s obvious that Seungeon love Jiwook more than Jiwook love Seungeon and that’s fine because love’s never fair. But it’s sad to see one party put in so much effort but the other party give up so easily. It’s pathetic tbh. Money’s important, but Jiwook give up on something just as precious. Seungeon isn’t the best, but I appreciate how he never give up on loving Jiwook. That’s the kind of dedication I would die for. Okay, that’s it for the rant. I’m just mad lol.

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