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frankie want to do ( All 1 )

graduate college

frankie's experience ( All 0 )

frankie's answer ( All 17 )

about dating
@pandem0n1um ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
14 07,2021
about question
arachnophobia (fear of spiders) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
10 06,2021
i always ask my friends if they mind if I spoil smth, so since they didn't slap the shit out of them   reply
25 05,2021
i can't choose   1 reply
20 05,2021
i was playing catch with easter eggs w my brother and i had a piece of plastic in my mouth. i went to catch the egg and tripped and started choking. i literally couldn't breathe and my brother looked at me funny and started laughing and i saved my own life.   reply
18 05,2021

frankie's question ( All 1 )

frankie 10 11,2020
what's one thing you wish you could tell someone?
10 11,2020

People are doing

did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

27 minutes
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

10 hours
want to do applying edging to your life


1 days