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reigensimp's feed

Dawg younger me was so dumb. I believed every good rec I ever got on tik tok esp bc my fave creators were promoting stuff. Esp this series , I read it and then was in awe at how much rape there was 14/15 yr old me did not need to be subjected to this shit. I liked the anime and thought it was cute but i grew out of that phase. It’s even more ironic bc that other big character tried raping takato (which is fucking wrong) and the series made it wrong,, yet junta constantly grapes him but it’s okay? Make it make sense :.. I wish younger me never had the misfortunate of getting onto bl tik tok when I was younger cuz all the recs I got were super unhealthy stories with rape. And I liked a few of them forever ago too :( still embarrassed about it, but now that I’m older I can tell how bad and wrong those stories were