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Mamalooja July 17, 2021 7:31 am

I am pretty miffed. I am petty. I hate it when people block you because they can't come up with a plausible argument.

Everything I said was simply linear and without underlying context. Yet you somehow managed to make it as though there was some intended backlash meant for you.

And am I not allowed to refer to Beom as "uke"? It's like you're trying to put words into my mouth.

Another point in mind ~ is someone not capable of having sexual fantasies at all? You made it sound as though Beom wants to get raped. He doesn't. He was simply fantasizing the encounter. He's obviously not plotting to get himself raped by the seme irl(you gonna call me out for saying "seme" this time?). If he is, then that's his own shortcoming. Even then, something consensual to both parties wouldn't be rape in the first place.

ALSO, you made it seem like I was a fujoshi. I wasn't fetshizing anything. I AM A GUY for crying out.

You seem to also have something against Fuhoshis? The way you state your points made it sound like you were trying to lump every "fujo" into this fetshizing, straight women category. You're generalizing. You are a part of the problem.

Lastly, I wasn't criticizing how you felt. I simply enumerated the things that went wrong with your line of thought. The issue was within you. Not mine. The author couldn't care less.

Mamalooja July 15, 2021 4:01 am

Ugh. Lockmann is still unlikeable to me having read the spoilers. The whole pretending and decieving Nunally is outright manipulative behavior. The fact that their relationship is so imbalanced is rubbing me wrong. I keep reading because I'm mostly just happy with the world building and Nunally's interactions with the other characters. I seriously dislike people who uses someone to that degree(using them as bait, casting tgat spell on them) WITHOUT telling them firsthand. It's outright morally debased.

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