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faeree created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

managed to find the novel raws and am somehow managing with a translator (i think its the complete thing?!?) so heres a few notes/spoilers ig

- dorman is soooo useless omg she might as well not have them with her
- its a veryyyy slow romance and arsian is def ml but why am i on ch 145/215 and theres no progress arsian def has feelings but idt he even knows what it is or like the word for it but theres zero sign of the mc reciprocating so far (they have a few moments still tho like the whole only she can calm him down n dat)
- mc and ravi dont have the same father
- stepdad has a real daughter but its complicated
- we find mcs real dad and hes also a duke but in a different country/empire and its also complicated n stuff (idk how i feel about him tbh)
- mc has two more siblings with real dad both boys one adopted and older than her
- ml adopts a lil brother i swear the whole book is like a campaign for adoption (real tho)
- mcs older bro (real dad side) was also involved with the whole dying and repeating the life thing cause dorman is a useless he-goat.

overall the book is okay innit nothin groundbreaking but a nice read still but i do feel like they draggin it out a bit.

edit: im now on ch 160+ and the romance is finally progressing. also let me say this one more time dorman is soooo useless

just remembered how much i loved the mcs personality and came back to reread ┗( T﹏T )┛

faeree created a topic of Turning

not the meat on the floor omg

faeree created a topic of Turning

since i started reading korean novels its so rare for me to find ones that i actually love wholeheartedly and check all my boxes plot and writing-wise and so far only two books have fit the criteria, those two being tcf/lcf and this one (like i already thought tcf was perfect but this is like if u took all its good points and added in romance as a bonus and i generally dislike the combination of action and romance cause i feel its never well executed). its genuinely so good yo

faeree created a topic of Faded First Love

read this before while it was ongoing but never completed it and just came back to reread after hearing about the thai version (≧∀≦) its gonna be so good omg

faeree created a topic of Trash of the Count's Family

cale is so cunt omg

i wish they would just communicate their feelings and just get it all out there cause clearly its mutual they just wont fucking talk

faeree created a topic of Half of Me

if the nigga who was bullied so bad he attempted suicide tells u who was behind the bullying why tf would u as teachers not believe him???? cause the dude is a good kid is such a bs excuse too cause of course he doesn’t do ts in front of the teachers and acting is a thing???? id lose my mind if i were mc

faeree created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
faeree created a topic of Accident In Broad Daylight

can ik the ages/age gap of the main couple abeg

faeree created a topic of Bye Bye

mans had horrible luck in the friend department

faeree created a topic of High Pulse

just remembered i read the raws…..

side note: the raws haven’t been updated since like april this year so I'm a bit concerned

i just remembered theres no pills lmaooao its just a bunch of rusted swords

faeree created a topic of Stay With Me

and we all know the mcs pushover ass is just gonna take it my god

faeree created a topic of Stay With Me

well there u have it im gonna puke omg

faeree created a topic of Rivalry

second couple gives me the ick sorry

faeree created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

they really keeping this shit in the family