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zidian created a topic of Night Fragments

please tell me xan's fucking dad didn't do anything to methyst

i'm not usually into this but.. why is this.. kinda.. cute..

zidian created a topic of Mary Jane

name a top that has a better ass than mj.. u can't

zidian followed a list

#1-34 contain smut! 

— criteria — 
‣ female is DOMINANT aka initiates/takes the lead in the relationship.
‣ reverse gender roles or not a "typical" m/f relationship.
‣ boy gives off soft boi energy & tends to be much more shy & passive.

 — femdom —
feminine dominance (also refers to femdom in a BDSM relationship).

i would appreciate it if you recommended this list(‐^▽^‐)!
enjoy~ and get ready for some blushing bois! ♡ (/^▽^)/

20 03,2024
zidian created a topic of Solo For Two

I feel so bad for both of them, but the miscommunication is making everything worse

zidian created a topic of Gig of the Day

my man is still acting like he isn't head over heels for yeomin already

zidian created a topic of Mary Jane
zidian created a topic of Half of Me

he got really MAD when he knew that guy asked for his number

zidian created a topic of Senshun Kansoku

Cutest babies ever can't wait to see both of them all grown up


zidian created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

my man can't catch a break fr

zidian created a topic of Half of Me

heechan is the only one who can make his man laugh

zidian created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

man, off topic but i love those ugly ass chibis, they're so cute

thought this was going to be only smut but this is actually really cute and funny too!!

zidian created a topic of Try & I Love You
zidian created a topic of 2020

finally a man with common sense, he immediately took a step back when he found out he was underage (even though he actually isn't) and tried to keep his distance

the way he was throwing salt at him tho lmao

zidian created a topic of The Man At Night

next chapter hits so bad, myunga didn't deserve to go through that (even though he clearly consent cause he's desperate to save his mom, she just took advantage of his weakness) and jungwon watching him just broke my heart these few next chapters are mess, i feel so bad for both of them

zidian created a topic of 19 Days
zidian created a topic of Guiding Hazard