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Articboom's feed

I can see why Mc doesn't think they are dating...... when has the ML ever said that they liked Mc??
Sure Ml called mc"His actor" but so what he is his employer now. And there was a time Ml said he like Mcs voice (in a spicier scene).
He give Mc special attention, well they are childhood friends and they had a special bond then.
Ml gives Mc stuff, so do other sponsors that give stuff to their current fukbuddies. Mc has witnessed it in the industry and his Ex-company tried ro send hin to sponsors.
Mc is constantly hearing the ML is going to have to get married at some point and with Ml never confirming to Mc that they are a thing. He can conclude he's just Ml side piece
Mc has been the one that always says he love Ml but Ml never once said he loved him back.
(Yes I went back and re read and never once did Ml say he loves Mc, he just gives statements that he owns Mc in someway or another.