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Kristykristy September 30, 2023 8:46 am

Love this so much! Well thought out plot. Good pacing. Great combination of humour, angst and sweetness and a very satisfying ending. So many great likeable characters. The protagonist is dramatic in a most loveable way. The male lead is gentle and devoted. The greenest flag there ever was. Wholesome overall. On my fave list now

Kristykristy September 26, 2023 2:04 pm

I love the atypical strong muscular uke. Love it even more if they'll eventually become verse couple

Kristykristy September 12, 2023 2:13 pm

So intense, but I love it! Love Zin, love Idris. Crown prince is an absolute devil. He is so cruel to my sweet boi Idris.
What I don't quite get is- that shite prince is so possessive of Idris. So why did he easily offer his prized possession to another man to @#$&? Then, he has the audacity to get furious about that man coveting what's his
Anyway, hope that monster prince will suffer a long miserable powerless life.

Kristykristy September 11, 2023 8:12 am

Many here said seem is the greenest flag. He's more of a yellow flag to me. He's quite possessive, gets jealous easily, controlling, domineering, was mean and harsh to uke sometimes (particularly the "it's good while it lasted..." bs). At the end, he also kept things about Hyunjae from uke to make himself out to be the hero. So yeah not the greenest flag, but still a decent enough seme.
So this story is quite inconsistent...
1. Uke did a 180 turn from a complete asshole to the most compassionate guy. Can one's personality change so much? I can understand ppl can change their actions, but a complete personality change? He was this dude that drove someone to suicide and wasn't even remorseful about it. Then with just time travelling to only 3 years back, he became a saint. Farfetch imo.
2. Villains were inconsistent. CEO Hyunjae, who was supposed to be this horrid monster who would use any means necessary for his own gains, did not take advantage or use Nokyoung for...I'm guessing 10yrs ( he found Nokjoung as a highschooler and at present NY is 27yo.) Seriously, this villain has this beautiful young actor who wholeheartedly devoted to him and throwing himself at him for a decade, yet he didn't lay a finger on him or whored him out to gain advantages from the rich and powerful. Its unrealistic. It's the 'uke must be a virgin no matter what agenda' that I hate so much . Also it took 3 years for NY to seduce his target into bed? The villains here are very patient.
3. Hanil (CEO Janil's brother) only scheme to bring his CEO brother down was to try and catch him in bed with a man. That's it. He waited three years for the scheme to succeed! He had no other plans!! One of NY early conversations with Janil was that the CEO was know to prefer men to women. So if that's well known, surely a s*x tape of him in bed with a man's not going to do much harm to the powerful CEO. Also, Hanil was sleeping regularly with a man himself. Did he not think that someone else, even his brother, could get a s*x tape of him too? What? He thought he was the only one with the lame idea? It worse for him cos he's married!
4. Back to CEO Hyunjae. Him being in love with NY all that time? Not actually wanting to ruined him?? Come on!!! He sent him to a s*X party where he could've gotten gangr*pe and sent him to seduce a CEO to get blackmail material. Where is this stupid ass feelings for NY came from? He had the beautiful boy for 10 years. If he had any tiny amount of feelings, he would've devoured the kid long ago. Not leaving him in pristine condition to hand over to someone else!
Anyway, despite the plot holes and inconsistencies, I enjoyed the premise of the story. I particularly like the idea of redemptions, repaying life debts and destiny.

    Chuuya September 11, 2023 10:29 am

    I love the story but you’re right the uke only became nice after everyone left him and didn’t want to end up like that- I still like him and the seme so I don’t really mind

    ritsu September 11, 2023 11:32 am

    I feel like the Nokyoung of the past was too tainted by his boss and didn’t realize he was disposable until the end. When he got a second chance to start over, he chose to take this life seriously and make the most of it. I actually find that more admirable than if he had just been a nice, pure person from the beginning. His dad and stepmom are both shitty, he was used by his company CEO. When he had the chance, he cut out all that negativity in his life and surrounded himself with good people. And he went out of his way to be good to them. It’s admirable that he chose to find the strength to do all that. To me, that’s what makes him so lovable.

    Kristykristy September 11, 2023 12:23 pm
    I feel like the Nokyoung of the past was too tainted by his boss and didn’t realize he was disposable until the end. When he got a second chance to start over, he chose to take this life seriously and make th... ritsu

    Yeah...I understand all that. It's admirable to want to be a better person. But my gripe is, after the time travel, he didn't try to be a better person as much as he just became a saint. Like he didn't have to struggle to be better, he just was. There wasn't personal growth or character development. Compare him to the person he was, it's like he's a completely different person. I'd rather him still retain a shitty personality, but fought it to become better and do good. I want him to end the day with "f*CK! Being nice is exhausting!" But he'd fight on and continue to do good and be nice and gradually it'll become a habit and won't be so exhausting anymore and he'll eventually come to enjoy it.
    I just can't reconcile a person who was unremorseful about driving someone to suicide with this newfound angel. He only travelled back three years. Most of his shitty personality would've been established by then. Sure, he could cut off all the poisons and toxins in his life, but that wouldn't have given him a sudden 180 personality change. Unless, it's been magically erased and replaced then... anyway that's all I have to say about that :)

    Daemon September 11, 2023 12:48 pm

    Agreed. The uke flipped on a dime. People don't change easily. In fact, most people hardly change at all. You're telling me the guy who basically drove an innocent victim to suicide is suddenly Jesus reborn? Nah. Sure he was manipulated by Hanil but we saw his personality. It was very rotten but suddenly he's changed into a saint with no flaws and everyone loves him and those who don't are all evil. Gary Stu, much? There was no character development, he jumped from A to Z instantly. I think the author just didn't know how to write a redemption arc or have the skills to pull it off

    Buddy Inspirit September 11, 2023 12:52 pm
    Yeah...I understand all that. It's admirable to want to be a better person. But my gripe is, after the time travel, he didn't try to be a better person as much as he just became a saint. Like he didn't have to ... Kristykristy

    What I think is Nokyoung was never really a "bad" person. He was left alone by his parents, abused by stepmom, mind-controlled by hyunjae. He acted tough but always had a fragile heart, scared that people will abandon him. He always acted like he didn't care what people said about him but actually got affected by every word. In order to protect himself, he acted more rude to everyone like a defense mechanism. Now in this new life, he's finally free from that inferior feeling and mental abuse of hyunjae and can be himself.

    Daemon September 11, 2023 1:14 pm
    What I think is Nokyoung was never really a "bad" person. He was left alone by his parents, abused by stepmom, mind-controlled by hyunjae. He acted tough but always had a fragile heart, scared that people will ... Buddy Inspirit

    I'm sorry, but that's bs. He started so many malicious rumours about an innocent man till the guy committed suicide, he was constantly trash to other people including his manager, had sex with a guy who was too wasted to refuse him and on and on. He was arrogant and remorseless. You pity him and feel bad for him, that's fine, I do too, but lets not pretend he wasnt the one doing a majority of those things. Also, sure the other guy manipulated, but he was an adult, he wasnt helpless, he chose to put his entire life in this guy's hands. Manipulation isnt the same as mind control, btw, its not even on the same level. Loving is not a good enough excuse. Defense mechanism isnt a green light to be a terrible person. And yet, thanks to the terrible writing he didn't feel sorry that he basically caused this one guy to commit suicide but felt a little uneasy about having sex with someone intoxicated? Where is the consistency? Be fr fr. The only way to make sense of this is if you say the MC had to do the dirty work directly instead of lurking in the shadows, but with how poorly this is written, I doubt the author even thought of that. Both things can be true, that he was manipulated and abused and that he turned to a bitter and terrible person, which is why him 'changing' isn't character development but magically becoming a different person. The guy who used to flip tables if someone asked him to audition is suddenly ready to beg for a part? His death may have led to him becoming a better person but you can't change habits and your personality so easily

    lady eboshi September 11, 2023 3:50 pm
    What I think is Nokyoung was never really a "bad" person. He was left alone by his parents, abused by stepmom, mind-controlled by hyunjae. He acted tough but always had a fragile heart, scared that people will ... Buddy Inspirit

    i agree with you. i think his real personality is to be sweet and kind. after he went back in time he discovered he could be those things and still have a decent life. he didn't have to be a horrible person to have love or success.

    Buddy Inspirit September 12, 2023 12:54 am
    I'm sorry, but that's bs. He started so many malicious rumours about an innocent man till the guy committed suicide, he was constantly trash to other people including his manager, had sex with a guy who was too... Daemon

    I agree that trauma can't justify wrongdoings. But it's something that happens in reality (people acting rude/arrogant/violent as a defense mechanism). It's not "justifiable", but it's "understandable". Humans aren't angels, you can't expect someone to be normal after being orphaned, hunted down by loan sharks and being constantly manipulated. You said he's an adult but adults aren't bulletproof yk? Most victims of manipulation are adults. Again, it's not justifiable but understandable. Yes, nokyoung in his previous life was utterly obnoxious. But he didn't become a total angel as you guys are saying. See how he threatened that female actress for taking advantage of his fame? He's still got the edge, but learnt his lesson from life and doesn't use it arbitrarily. Idk why some of you are claiming he turned into an angelic person reborn? No, he didn't. He clearly has the edgy persona (if you've read recent chapters about the actress).
    As for the "mind control" I said, that was a momentary lack of vocab, the word "manipulation" didn't come to mind at that moment but that's the accurate word, yes.

    Daemon September 12, 2023 9:21 am
    I agree that trauma can't justify wrongdoings. But it's something that happens in reality (people acting rude/arrogant/violent as a defense mechanism). It's not "justifiable", but it's "understandable". Humans ... Buddy Inspirit

    It is understandable yes, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not justifiable. And I'm sorry, I will always have sympathy for adults who are manipulated but that only goes so far as long as they don't harm other people. There's only so much harm to other people that can be excused by manipulation, and some time you gotta wake up and smell the coffee. A lot of the things he did weren't by manipulation, and also, the writing of trauma is not realistic at all. If trauma made him so prickly and rude and kind of an ass, how did that all magically go away? And yes, it did go away, him threatening that actress is just as terrible considering how abrupt it was. His inner monologue did not match the person he used to be, and again, a person doesnt change so effortlessly. Also please never equate trauma with edge.

    Buddy Inspirit September 14, 2023 12:35 pm
    It is understandable yes, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not justifiable. And I'm sorry, I will always have sympathy for adults who are manipulated but that only goes so far as long as they don't harm... Daemon

    You..... took a few leaps of words from my comments. Where did I say I excuse nokyoung's previous wrongdoings? ofc not. I'm just explaining it's not a 180 degree change as you guys are saying. He was plain rude and obnoxious in his previous life but in the next life, he toned it down a lot but still has the........... idk what's accurate word. I said edge before, maybe aggression? idk but I think you get what I mean.

    As for the actress, NO IT WASN'T TERRIBLE. They were literally using him and all nokyoung did was just threaten her. That's the least he should do.

    Daemon September 14, 2023 5:14 pm
    You..... took a few leaps of words from my comments. Where did I say I excuse nokyoung's previous wrongdoings? ofc not. I'm just explaining it's not a 180 degree change as you guys are saying. He was plain rude... Buddy Inspirit

    I'm not saying you're trying to justify him. If it came across like that then my bad, I wrote incorrectly. I meant that he had trauma for sure, but he was actively doing terrible things for no reason and that both his bad personality and traumatic behaviour including being defensive wouldn't disappear so quickly. It would have been better if he struggled with his trauma and bad behaviour but he doesn't. That's neither goof writing nor is it realistic.

    Also, you misunderstood me. I didn't say it was terrible to threaten here. I said it was terrible writing because he'd never shown any sign of that after his do over. He'd behaved like a perfect saint, not really grappled with the person he used to be and the trauma he had aside from going 'wow, I did some bad things' for the entire story, mind you, and then suddenly he was happily threatening this actress which is fine BTW, but it's supposed to be a sign of who he used to be? I don't buy that. It's terrible writing.

    Buddy Inspirit September 15, 2023 7:14 pm
    I'm not saying you're trying to justify him. If it came across like that then my bad, I wrote incorrectly. I meant that he had trauma for sure, but he was actively doing terrible things for no reason and that b... Daemon

    I respect your opinion. We may disagree at some points but I agree that the writing was rushed. Anyways, let's end it here ^.^

Kristykristy September 5, 2023 11:58 pm

The art is so beautiful. The smuts are so hot. The main characters are attractive but shitty, especially the seme whose personality makes little sense. Hate the forceful sex. Hate the uke just takes it. The MCs relationship seem surface level. It seem all they care about is having sex with eo. The world building was just skimmed through. No explanation into anything. The sides characters look more interesting. Would love spin off of Wind mage and Esper. They would make a sweet and hot couple.

Kristykristy September 5, 2023 7:35 am

An intriguing tale. I feel really bad for MC. He went thru hell in his 1st life. The emperor was an absolute tyrant, who tortured the one he claimed to love. I despised him so much. He wasn't much better in his 2nd life. Indiscriminately killed innocent girls he slept with. What's with that. He changed after meeting MC again, but his past crime was unforgivable. Also, why is he so horrible to his small son? Luckily for him MC was soft hearted. They ended up being very sweet to each other, but it's unrealistic given the pain, hatred, resentment MC endured and the emperor still being an absolute tyrant. Would've been better if they'd both died together and starts fresh in their next lives.

    ppp October 11, 2023 11:16 am

    nah he defo redeemed himself he realised his mistakes n changed and mc felt it as well ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Kristykristy October 11, 2023 1:18 pm
    nah he defo redeemed himself he realised his mistakes n changed and mc felt it as well ( ̄∇ ̄") ppp

    But certain acts are just irredeemable. Can serial killers be redeemed by just realising they've done wrong? Do we just forgive them and let them out of jail for being sorry? The emperor was so unnecessary cruel to MC and he indiscriminately killed innocent girls after screwing them. How did he pay for his sins in this current life? He doesn't deserve his happy ending in this lifetime. But that's just my opinion.

    noodley October 12, 2023 12:25 am
    But certain acts are just irredeemable. Can serial killers be redeemed by just realising they've done wrong? Do we just forgive them and let them out of jail for being sorry? The emperor was so unnecessary crue... Kristykristy


Kristykristy September 2, 2023 12:53 am

I think mc is getting cuter and sweeter in his actions towards ml now that he's slowly realising he's falling for ml. I'm just hoping that ml is a genuine and sincere person. Cos I love him this way. I'll be heartbroken if it turns out that ml is manipulating mc.

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