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Shimmy like topic of Half

Being gay is equivalent to being a pervert, even my family thinks that. it's funny how straight people think gay couples are a group of perverts where as you(family) not supporting your children(lgbt) is right. Grown up are supposed to behave like a grown up.

Shimmy created a topic of Half

Being gay is equivalent to being a pervert, even my family thinks that. it's funny how straight people think gay couples are a group of perverts where as you(family) not supporting your children(lgbt) is right. Grown up are supposed to behave like a grown up.

Shimmy created a topic of Sister Prison

Bro you can't be that obsessed with your lover.
I cam guess what's gonna happen in the upcoming chapters .

Shimmy created a topic of Sugar & Salt

You gave me sugar with all that fluffy sugary stuff

Shimmy created a topic of Show Me Your Bust

There is this feeling inside me and it's creepy as duck. Being girl can be really scary and spoiler alert I am a girl

Shimmy followed a list
30 12,2023
Shimmy followed a list
04 12,2023