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imoutside3265's experience ( All 0 )

imoutside3265's answer ( All 2 )

imoutside3265 14 09,2023
College is just high school for 2 years but older people and professors are cooler than high school teachers. I would also not go to college unless you know EXACTLY what you want to go into. that will determine whether or not it's going to be hard. but the first 2 years are easy since it's just math, English, and electives and after the 2 years tha......   reply
14 09,2023
if you are questioning yourself if you're the wrong person in this situation then you must care some amount to what happens to him. you're not a bad person for caring, but if you truly don't feel any remorse for him, then let it go. don't keep people around that you don't care about.   reply
14 09,2023

imoutside3265's question ( All 0 )

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