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PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Love Sick Dog

Gonna have to sit out for a while until the angst is over, the comments got me shaking, apparently raws are up to 57 and it’s still poo water

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of High Clear


PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Thirst
PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Thirst

Please please please please please please please please please don’t do this to me omfg

This is fucking insane, I can’t
I swearrrrrrr if the author actually makes them end up together after this bullshit I’m fighting them myself, it’s on sight

Jo is all like, I know what I want. Bitch, if TJ was around you'd be wagging your big dick in between your legs. Ain't no way TJ is the bad guy here. But the author makes it seem like he is. I need author-san to write Jo fighting TJ and after they get done knocking the fuck out of each other they need to start fucking.

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of 2020

This story is literally so cute wtfff

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Thirst

I don’t hate Wren but ohhh myyyy god please go away

Castrate, beat, and behead both of them please

Literally the way he’s just blushing, Ryu Jean is my idol

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Fight Club

We don’t talk about fight club

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Thirst

That was atrocious never show me them fucking again
And I do not need to be seeing up his big ass nose like that either

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Jinx

Literally so glad the author knows he has to grovel first before getting redeemed

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ created a topic of Wet Sand

Yall idec at this point but I’m glad Jo at least has some pride in himself to not want to be a stand in for someone else. Tj is… the same, he’s ok, there’s some story going on that I’m confused about so idk.
And Ian seems to also be conflicted

PebbleStone ~Spoopy~ answered question about question

I hate thinking that they’re talking about a future they’ll never have