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I don't really like this "what if "bullshit
I was expecting the after words or mabey the one that our dude is in love with mythuk (idk the name )
It was perfect but it got ruined by this shit

Not around here son , no one will believe that

So basically season 2 is time traveling??? Plz gimme a simple explanation I'm lost at this point




I feel so bad laughing at his tattoos on the ass


He is pregnant right ?

Dancing with death's thoughts created a topic of Jinx

I'm sure its gonna take a whole 3 or 4 chapters to show Dan was Innocent ( cameras and potato)
Untill then someone is coverd with blood


Using sweet talk thingy even a guy from streets will put his legs up ( mabey not anyway )


Well what the fuck is going on
How can u hooked up that fast bruh

Dancing with death's thoughts created a topic of Jinx

We get 3 chapters each month right ??

Dancing with death's thoughts created a topic of Jinx

Go defend Dan boy before he get punched
This horse is already got specious over nothing about Dan
Save this pure angel



The way gege killed all those characters I wonder how yuji gonna use the power of friendship


I'm not shocked at how this went I'm shocked at myself why I got used to this stuff and it's scary

Dancing with death's thoughts created a topic of Jinx

Am I the only one who's wating for a broken and cut off arm :D ?

Oh shit I love how this going


Man almost got killed by raping*
Rape ? Nah dude I spread my legs for ya , ur welcome


I want them switch and idc u disagree