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I just got the official English book, and honestly, the translation for the confesssion in my opinion is a lot more heartfelt in the scans than what they put in the official version.
See for yourself.

Unofficial confession:
“You are…my life.
My world… is incomplete without you.
Even if someone else were here…I hate it if you’re not the one next to me.
Don’t say that it was a mistake…to fall in love with me.”

Official confession:

“You’re the one…who’s made my teenage years worthwhile.
My world…isn’t complete without you, ok?
No matter who else is there for me…not having you by my side…sucks.
Don’t talk about your feelings for me…
…like they’re a mistake.

The end of the chapter:

“You are my ultramarine.
You are my everything.”

“You’re the one who’s made my teenage years worthwhile.
My ultramarine Sky.”