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Spoilers for chapter 34:

You abandon one kid and go ahead and pop out another? Like you couldn’t take care of one, yet you think you can do better the second time around?
I don’t care if mommy dearest left because of her shitty husband (whom she chose to begin with),how is that your kid’s fault and why have more kids later?
Do you even think of the one you left behind?

Right now my enjoyment for this series has gone down, the only silver lining is that I’m sure Sihwa will get Sohan out of this funk.

Sarah is an alien whose culture/race don’t have kids because they want to but more because they need them to fulfill a role, so as awful as she is, I can ignore her.

But Sohan’s mom is a human-who supposedly have kids because they want to, so she has no excuses.

My hypothesis is that daddy is going to try running off with Sohan’s winnings and will be intercepted by Sihwa who’ll tell him to f*ck off or else. At least that my hope.