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Orinoko's feed

Honestly one of the things that annoys me in these stories is that the FL's rearly if ever apologize, and if they do it's mostly just like "oh im sorry" and it's never mentioned again, it almost fells like it didn't happen, i mean yes they may have not done the bad things but just being like "im gonna make your life better" without explanation and think that will magically make the situation be resolved, it feels really shallow, if my abuser strated acting nice and loving all of a sudden i would be scared of what would happen next maybe they are gonna use some new kind of torture you can't know, if my life is on the line i would be on my hands and knees begging for forgivness, and if they still don't feel ready to forgive me i would give them money and let them be free, cause they value their freedom more than anything ( ̄へ ̄)