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Orinoko's feed

Argh i was really rooting for this couple but at this point it's really frustrating, it's dragging for so long for no reason, i understand that you were hurt and it's hard to go trough the same situation again but being like "even if you like me you should go out with my friend" feels disrespectfull to Jay i really do feel sorry for him he is getting dragged into drama without knowing why and now they are making it even worse with the new guy, at this point i wish they would't end up together because honestly Bora isn't worth it, they treat it as if they are gonna stay together for the rest of their lifes but for all they know they could break up after a week i mean that's how teenage relathionships are, imagine if he asked her to marry him, she would probably be like" we have to have a 5 year trial period so i would make sure my friends wouldn't fall in love with you and if they do i can't marry you cause you should marry them your feeling be damned" it feels like this is the story that the autor wanted to give more attention to, but they knew if they relased this first people would drop it cause of the drama, so they made a sweet couple first to bait people in so they would continue reading the story anticipating the return of the main couple, also call me crazy but didn't Jay at one point say that he has a girlfriend and when Bora appeared i thought they were already in a relathionship