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Orinoko's feed

After reading Jay's POV it makes me hate Bora even more like this dude spend his entire life loving her (yea she doesen't know for how long he has loved her) but it just makes me feel sad for Jay for being dragged into this mess without knowing why, i know that the things Bora went through are not to be taken lightly but she is blaming the wrong person, it's not his fault that people fall in love with him, we can't chose who we love and i don't blame Daijin for liking him cause in her eyes she likes this single dude, i mean Bora had the chance to confess to her (and honestly she seems most reliable out of all of her friends, i mean cutting someone out of your life the moment you realize how toxic they are takes a lot of courage that many of us don't have, and she even told her that she hates it when a guy comes between friends) but she chose to stay quiet because ???? and instead of explaning her fears to Jay she only knows how to run away, and i don't know why they act like they are gonna spend the rest of their lifes together cause for all they know they could break up after a week i mean that's just how teenagers are, just imagine if Jay asked her to marry him she is gonna be like i have to do a 5 year trial period to see if any of my friends like you and if any woman that you ever interacted with has feelings for you, cause if they do i can't marry you, your thoughts are not important in this matter, honestly it fells like this is the story that the autor wanted to push be the main story, but they knew that people would drop it cause of too much drama, so they first made a sweet wholesome story to bait the readers so that we would anticipate the return of the first couple and then they punch us it the face with drama which could have been wrapped in 10-15 chapters but it's been dragged for way to long i really hope they finish in the next 5 chapters and move on cause this is getting boring ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍