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Orinoko's feed

I sead it before, the emperor treats her like a pet not a wife, i mean he is literally usless to alow his sister to treat her like a POS and be like "she isn't like that" and his "you don't have to do anything", and he just keeps ignoring that she had to replace 22 people and still has the nerve to say there is no problem shows that he has 0 respect to her and thinks if she is fed and chlothed she is gonna keep waging her tail for him, he is honestly worse than those "tyrant" male leads i hope the empress will give him a good slap one day.
I really wonder what Bitchianas motive is, is she fueld by anger cause her friend died or is there another reason, i mean i would understand it if the empress was responsible for her death in that case go for it take your revenge, but she has done nothing wrong so why the hate, she burned properties of the nobles that befrended the empress, would she have done the same if someone else was the empress? she is not acting not as someone who lost a friend but as someone who lost their soulmate, and if she is acting like this because of her the best punishment would be for the friend to be utterlly disgusted by her and tell her not to use her as an exuse for her crazyness ( ̄へ ̄)