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this manhwa is great and the fl and ml are so cute together and i love how the ml is becoming a bit more “possessive” but they show it in a funny way <3 thooo i can’t help to feel bad for the original fiancé that got killed or killed herself (whatever the truth is) it reminds me of those stores when the new fl (our main fl) reincarnates in a story as the fiancé that gets killed just so the og fl can get together with the ml and such .. like the whole “new woman from some place else ends in with ml and wants to find out what happened to the original fiancé that died” type of vibe, which sure those are nice but i just genuinely feel bad for the og fiancé in this one, she seemed so nice and was probably used and manipulated:(( i wish she could have had another ending than death. still love our fl with the ml tho and wish for a happy ending for them <3 sorry if this is controversial or hard to understand lolz

Nea created a topic of Safe as Houses

i remember i read this on webtoon but coudlnt find it anymore but now found it here !! but so many of yall hated on the fl in the comments so i wasn’t sure if this was the right one, but it is. and yall are WEIRD AF cuz why are u hating on her ?? she did nothing wrong at all like she just stood her ground and told them straight up that she only has one reason to keep going and it’s too find her siblings and that they shouldn’t stop her cuz she didn’t en up with them on her own terms. and they understood that as well !! so like why are YOU mad at her ??? y’all just bitter and need to leave this story alone fr … bye

Nea created a topic of Sakura, Saku

i really liked this but im getting really annoyed at fl … like i get that ur mad insecure for some reason ?? but he likes YOU now and barely reacted when the girl confessed. AND HE CONFESSED TO U and like REALLY sincerely too!! like girl u like him and he likes u so what’s the problem?? why do u care about other people or about “what’s ifs” it’s ridiculous

Nea created a topic of Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest

yall hate too much on lucy rn bye she’s literally the reason they could get ur BEACUSE she cares. also we got some nalu crumbs barley, trying to survive as a nalu shipper </3 the chapter so short but always sooo good, cant wait for the next one !! <3333



still don’t understand why she cant have her natural hair colour ?? i miss seeing it cuz it suited her so much !! and why did they have to give her the same hair colour as the ml?? like brown would have been fine or any other but the same one?? makes her look more plain and more alike him :( anyways art is so pretty !! plot a bit confusing but the art is weighing that up frfr <33

Nea created a topic of I Raised My Fiancé with Money

does anyone know any other manhwas or manga where the ml is like this? like softer and nicer, like a himbo kinda lolz i just think it’s cute and refreshing from all the mean and rude mls

hii i’m back again to ask if anyone has a good novel link?? i really wanna read it cuz i’m inpatient and wanna see them as adults and all that

Nea created a topic of The Man with Pretty Lips

i have such a bad feeling about the student, i did have a bad feeling about the other teacher too in the beginning tbh but yeah something is definitely up, i wish they could just be happy now that they’re together :(( my girl going through so much </3

i see some people have read the novel, do any of u have a good link?? i wanna read it cuz it feels like the manhwa will take a long time to reach the timeskip and such lolz <333


i feel like that’s a very weird ending?? like we don’t know why he traveled back in time or what happened in the future ?? or if he can go back ??

absolutely love it !! i can see how some people can connect it with kamisama kiss but it’s still totally different <33 i wish there was even more about their story and their life now after everything !! definitely a new fav shoujo <3

does this have an novel?? i wanna know spoilers lolz

Nea created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

okay i need to know if helios will catch feelings for hestia and there will maybe be a “love triangle” or not? cuz i really just want hestia and kaelrus to fall madly in love and be happy lmaoo but yah some drama to make them realise their feelings is always welcome <3

Nea created a topic of Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned

the translation is so bad i can hardly understand what’s going on, the art is pretty good and seems like it could be interesting but rn it’s not it cuz u really can’t understand anything

ahh i hope we get a timeskip soon so we can see them more grown up <33

Nea created a topic of Futari de Koi wo suru Riyuu

i read this when it was still updating but i cried so much during chapter 72 cuz i felt so bad for obi :(( literally have never had any case of second male lead syndrome as bad as this one not before or after reading it :( i love him so much and truly hope he will find the true love of his life and have the happiness he deserves!! i do love our fl and ml together and am so happy for them still but yeah i just cried for obi especially when he saw them and we get to know that he’s still not really over her and then it cuts to our fl and ml sitting under a tree and being so in love <//3 justice for obi !! no but fr this is a great story and i loved it lots <3

Nea created a topic of Kill the Villainess

i actually stopped reading this when the prince slapped her when this first came out cuz i was like “nah bitch im not here for that shit” and i didn’t know if he would be the ml or not since the cover is only of the fl. I decided to give it another chance this weekend since i had nothing to read and omg what a ride it was! i loved how all the awful men ended up groweling at her feet and she couldn’t care less lmaoo and the ml who loved her the whole time and did anything for her. the ending was perfect i loved how she could finally get what she wanted and he came with her <33 im so so happy for her and it’s so refreshing to finally get a story where the fl doesn’t end up with an awful ml and actually can get back to her original world and be happy. i related to our fl a lot and knew that i would act the same way she did, maybe not do all the same things but i would want the same thing she did. so proud of her !! so yes i loved this more than i thought really!! such a good and long enough read :)

Nea asked a question

hii as u all know there’s lots of “i reincarnated into the villainess” and stuff like that but i’m getting a liiiittle tired of it and wanted to know if there’s any more “i reincarnated into a side character” ones or when the fl gets together with someone that isn’t a main guy like he’s an extra or sumn?? i’ve read some like these but i want more <3