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Moomoo jugulars's feed

Reading a lot of esperxguide books (mainly bl), but majority (like all besides 2 that I’ve read) of them have a connection. That is wanting to lock up their guide so nobody can have them or to “protect” them. I can already see the misunderstanding/problem.

~(This is an assumption)~

ML didn’t like the FL but eventually fell super hard that he was crazy in love. Which caused him to lock her up. The reason why he was so on guard was bc 1. It could be a monster and 2. He thinks that someone is gonna steal her away from him. Which is why this leads to why the FL thinks that ML didn’t love her (mainly for #2). Ofc this doesn’t mean that ML is not guilty for what he’s done. He’s delulu. But I already know that she’s gonna marry him again but after some heavy character development from the ML. Love how this is going so far.

I also love the face he makes whenever he gets guiding from her.