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Amy January 2, 2021 3:07 pm

Started off really good, which is surprising because I normally don't like ones about the character going to a different world. I really enjoyed the story, up until 2/3rds through when the whole thing went to shit. Lmao the author just decided to throw in every possible plot twist in the shortest time possible, I can count at least 12 "plot twists" that happened, all within 3 chapters. Ridiculous. They leave many uncovered secrets without an explanation, like how did the woman impersonate the mother when the mother was never even around Mikayla in the first place? Confusing.

Also, I fucking hate the king. Dude sleeps with as many women as he can, is the cause of the whole mess, and killed countless people, yet apparently he's a good guy and it was all the result of a misunderstanding and lack of communication? I'm not buying it.

Oh yeah, and the fact that Jared legit just threw a sword at that bird man and bam he's dead. Too easy . There was a big build up and the bird man was meant to be ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ┗( T﹏T )┛ strong, but hey ho whatever he was caught off guard and died, I guess?

To put it simply, the entire story was far too rushed and I think the author had just had enough by the end. Worth a read, but prepare for an ending that will disappoint you.

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