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Leydi-G created a topic of Lily of the Valley

If you do that earlier she might not want to be touch by anybody because she's naive in the word Love... Uggggggh my head hurtssss

Leydi-G created a topic of My Second First Marriage

Great to see some of it like this that not all women can easily be like you imagine like running is so easy. In ancient time women are pitiful easy to manipulate. Not like now that you can ran away with or without money you can sleep anywhere no worries at all . I did that when I was 15. I survived 3 months before my mother pick me up. Tyi I just run because of some teenage shit drama ,my parents are very ok I'm their last child but I know they love me..
They did not report me to the police because I regularly contact them that I'm ok at my friend's house but not telling where I am..
My experience in trying to run away is sucks you can always meet bad people as someone tried to drag me to some alley but luckily I got Ninja moves and run like my heart can bust any moment then my knees are shaking I stayed still an hour before I breath normal I fucking want to go back home but part of me saying " I got this I want to experience this" so I sleep in a 24 7 com shop. So on ....

Leydi-G created a topic of I want a girlfriend!

Where can I read raws of this? Link or something