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Just.Another.Weeb. January 2, 2021 3:25 am

I'm not loving his behavior towards her, but if he want to get back together with her he really need to work on his communication skills

    grace juice January 2, 2021 4:25 am

    frrr he's just doing whatever he wants with no warning or explanation at all

Just.Another.Weeb.'s questions ( All 1 )

Just.Another.Weeb. November 17, 2020 1:19 pm

So I got this assignment for school where I get to talk about anime and manga. So could y'all tell me what you think of manga and anime and how it affects you.

    Drity Thoughts November 17, 2020 1:24 pm

    Positively or negative? lol

    Leyana November 17, 2020 1:25 pm

    It's a great entertainment if u feeling dressed or under the weather it can refresh u, exploring different genre if u r learning Japanese it's killing to bird with one stone as for manga i really get submerged in reading and it's addictive and help me learn different proverb as I'm not english native

    KAizO Luv U November 17, 2020 1:27 pm

    YOOOOO I want a assignment like that too~
    And Do you want a good or bad opinion?

    pikseII November 17, 2020 1:28 pm

    Some manga/anime are really inspirational and educational
    so you can talk about how you learn from it I guess...?

    pikseII November 17, 2020 1:31 pm

    Some anime/ manga can be really educational not just math and science or whatever like things that would be useful everyday so you could talk about what you learn from it :)

    z4tan November 17, 2020 1:38 pm

    manga and anime can be a comforting thing for a lot of people and for me it’s something that helps me when I’m stressed/depressed. watching/reading my favorite characters complete their dreams and watching/reading them go through their journey makes me happy. their also some anime/manga that teach very good lessons and give advice.

    Cookiesan November 17, 2020 2:01 pm

    Mangas and Animes take my mind off things, when I'm feeling sad, I read a manga, when I feel angry I watch anime, it depends on how you see things, but mangas and animes, distract me from the bad things that happen around me, they make me laugh and cry, feel emotions I normally don't feel, they make me feel complete ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Taku November 17, 2020 2:21 pm

    Mangas and anime can help relieve or release stress since it takes your focus away from reality for a while. It’s also entertaining and you cam learn alot from them. For example, communication skills. There are certain types of mangas or animes that focus on actually school subjects like Math, Science, Chemistry so on so forth. A popular one is Dr. Stone!

    A negative effect of it though (it only applies on a certain number of people) is that one might get too into it that taking anime as a past time can turn into an obsession. Carefulness and patience is also key when reading or watching mangas and animes. The recommended amount of episodes per day when watching anime is 2 since it wouldn’t consume too much time. Reading however, depends on the person reading’s reading capacity and what they’re reading.

    I hope I helped :D

    Just.Another.Weeb. November 17, 2020 4:22 pm
    Positively or negative? lol Drity Thoughts

    It doesn't matter as long as it's your opinion

    Just.Another.Weeb. November 17, 2020 4:24 pm
    YOOOOO I want a assignment like that too~And Do you want a good or bad opinion? KAizO Luv U

    I just want your honest opinion on manga and or anime

    Drity Thoughts November 17, 2020 9:01 pm

    Positively, anime has helped me find friends with similar interests and has made it easier for me to talk to new people in middle and high school. People can learn a lot about the Japanese culture through anime and manga.

    Negatively, there are people I've witnessed with an over obsession for anime, and will forget that anime and manga are works of fiction. They may treat exaggerated actions from anime as a normal thing or think that "this is exactly what it's like in Japan" just from watching anime. Learning the Japanese culture through anime and manga can only take a person so far without experiencing the actually culture itself.

    What I think of anime and manga and how it has affected me: I find it a great form of entertainment and enjoy the unique plotlines that's not strictly from a western point of view. Seeing someone wearing anime merchandise helps me start conversations easier. But I, myself, backed away from anime a bit during college. When our Japanese club turned it into an anime club. New club members curious about Japan were deterred when they found out that the club was just watching anime. The professor that was in charge of the club had Japanese exchange students visit the club. The first question the students were asked by club members was "What kind of anime do you like?" They were not interested in anime. These exchange students worked hard to learn another language, was lucky enough to be expected into an exchange program, flew to a different country only to be asked that. The club members forgot that Japanese people are normal people too... They forgot to separate their extreme interest in anime from normal human interaction.

    There's no shame in liking anime and manga and showing appreciation for it. But when it interferes with how a person interacts with others, that's when it's time to take a step back and reevaluate.

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