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_mxjazz created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I feel like I have seen my niece grew up CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS

_mxjazz created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Her hair is perfect, ok? Btw, the three of them really make a beautiful family, don’t you agree? Can’t wait for them to become one soon. Also, I feel sad for grandpa and his daughter.

Penelope doesn’t trust her gut feel regarding Eclis. Like girl, you are literally always anxious when you’re with him. And his eyes when looking at her are screaming obsessed. If you compare it with Callisto, Penelope can talk freely with him. Not to mention that they have great chemistry and he is willing to go great lengths for her. He looks at Penelope with warmth and adoration. I WANT THAT!

Reading the comments and realizing that most readers are dumb af lol