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VasílissaLily August 3, 2023 5:32 pm

I'm telling you guys, brother Qiu isn't going to invite them again, nor get himself involve with them anymore (≧∀≦). I gotta salute his patience though, I would have committed attempted murder at that point (attempted since I'll probably fail miserably)

VasílissaLily July 27, 2023 5:59 pm

We truly appreciate your translations and who ever harassed you probably can't read well. It isn't your problem, it is their of lack comprehension. Still thank you and I hope you don't experience any form of harassment anymore for translating this.

    VasílissaLily July 27, 2023 6:25 pm

    Also I forgot to mention it but thank you for supporting the author of the manga. I understand the long period of time between the uploads because I've read to much manga to master the virtue of patience and suppressing my frustrations for years. It isn't selfish to support the author in your own way. And I hope one day the people who harassed you and called you selfish for telling them to support the author first, should realize that we are reading a legally published manga here for free. We really don't have any right to complain especially for those who doesn't spend a penny for a manga that was drawn with effort by the author to earn money. Cause really, the author didn't do this for fun you know( ̄へ ̄).

    So yeah (=・ω・=)

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