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Sayonara Alpha

Complete | ICHINASHI Kimi | 2016 released
2017-01-10 13:07 marked

Holy shit, dude. My mind kinda twist not the manga. But it's fuckin great like a new level. I mean look, a very cute shota is the alpha slash fuckin seme and the bishonen is omega slash uke. DUDE THE SEME IS FVCKIN SHOTA. DUDE SKJXHDNXJSJSMXNJXJX Take me to the heaven~

The Baker on the First Floor

Complete | GyaGa | 2016 released
2017-01-09 09:30 marked

Awwww yissss I need MOREEEEE amazing Manhwaaaaaa. This is gonna be great manhwa!


Ongoing | Nao Tsukiji | 2007 released
2016-12-30 12:20 marked

Royal Servant

Complete | MasterGin,Chungnyun | 2016 released
2016-12-29 17:41 marked

A Guy Like You

Complete | Waje | 2016 released
2016-12-29 15:27 marked

Leopard Hakusho

Complete | ougi yuzuha | 2008 released
2016-10-20 12:58 marked

Blue Lust

Complete | Hinako (ひなこ) | 2015 released
2016-09-18 13:32 marked

I 'm speechless.
This manga SOOOO make me doki-doki.

Pleeeaaasseee give me moreee the dramaaa.

19 Days

Ongoing | Old Xian | 2014 released
2016-08-26 15:37 marked

Ikoku Irokoi Romantan

Complete | yamane ayano | 2003 released
2016-08-18 12:12 marked

Bi no Isu

Complete | IKE Reibun | 2000 released
2016-07-24 19:37 marked

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