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Isabella_Cafe answered question about going to concerts
Isabella_Cafe asked a question

Anyone has some found family recs? I’ve already gone through all of my list lol

Isabella_Cafe answered question about thank yaoi for existing
Viewfinder on Mangarock…you will be remembered…,,,
Isabella_Cafe answered question about question
Favorite fan fiction is oc fan fiction that I make for myself that’s how you know I’m mentally ill
Isabella_Cafe asked a question

Give me the most angsty story you know my ass has been feeling a lil bit too numb lately

Isabella_Cafe answered question about question
There’s something about this that I can’t explain with words

Guys with long hair if you ever want to cut it that’s the devil DONT LISTEN TO HIM

I have a hate and love relationship with this story on the other hand I need to melt the ml organs (to sleepy to remember the name and honestly mf doesn’t deserve it anyway so!!) and the story kinda goes in circles on some chapters…..On the other hand the set up is kinda…good???????? It’s like implied that the ml is an absolute piece of shit (I need my man GONE) and I don’t (personally) think the author is portraying it as a love story? I think it’s just showing this toxic relationship between two people that are fucked up at life (in different senses)

I think people forget that Mc isn’t a saint either, I personally think Mc stalking ML and becoming his manager is the result of a spiral from someone who lost one of the only people whom he had a genuine connection with and saw the person who was “responsible” for it and took it out on them in their own way (Mc becoming obsessive over revenge, at least from my pov) which honestly I feel like it can realistically happen with grief, I don’t think the Mc is falling in love I just think he’s having a brief moment of clarity and understanding the severity of the situation, but it’s too late and he’s too far in now and that’s having consequences

Anwyays thank you for coming from my ted talk on a random manga forum I need the male leads testicles to be bitten off by a rabid dog

Judith looks so pretty with her hair down! She should use it more often...

Isabella_Cafe created a topic of Ashtarte

Sorry I can’t take this story seriously I keep reading the title as shart

Isabella_Cafe created a topic of Ashtarte

Sorry I csnt take this story seriously everytime I see shart in the title

Oc art hehehe, fish and his son...
Isabella_Cafe asked a question

I’m looking for a mawha where the female lead it a fake daughter? I think it’s kind of new, the female lead has white hair and red eyes!