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J00k created a topic of Palace of Bardo

the story ended waaaay better than I expected. The emperor changing happened over time, like you could see him trying. The crown prince is unexpectedly my favvvv

J00k created a topic of Remarried Empress
J00k created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

I don’t even mind the dad and babe or the craziness as a matter of fact

J00k created a topic of Bad Friend

Looooveeeee historical bl’s

J00k created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Stressedd as soon as I read marriage

J00k like topic of Dawn of the Dragon

He’s the same older brother in ‘future’ as wel isn’t he

J00k created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

He’s the same older brother in ‘future’ as wel isn’t he

J00k created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Naaahhhhhhh I had high hopes for the side chapters but this just ain’t it

J00k created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

I can’t do cliffhangers no moooooorrreeee

J00k created a topic of Define The Relationship

They’d be surprised to see just how many things communication can solve!

J00k created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I neeeeeedddd the next chapt asap. Tbh I didn’t think I’d like the story of the past as much but boiiiii was I wrong.

J00k created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

Finna start throwing hands if a certain someone ruins this

J00k created a topic of Thirst

Daaaaammmnnn and I forgot just how dangerous this was

J00k created a topic of Cherry Complex

Cmonnnnn dudee. this is frustrating ong

J00k created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Stressssseddddddd that Choi mf I hope to see you 6 feet under soonnnn

J00k created a topic of Remarried Empress

She will not be missed. May the two others follow her

J00k created a topic of You and I can't do this

And he ended up being more of a cringe romanticcccc

J00k created a topic of Under the Green Light

Hope next chapter won’t be just s€x n that there’s some sort of mf communicationnnnnnn cause poor jin man