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Tsukishima Kai created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

This man Hwan really went from red to green real quick! I know how shitty he was at first but the chase was kinda worth it. I love that Haejin was tough on him during the chase, so the guy had no choice but to actually reflect and beg. Sad that this was shorter than I thought it would be, but this doesn't deserve to have a rating of 8.8. It could be in the 9.0 tbh.

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Jinx

Leave Kim Dan alone. Don't blame him. You did not experience his life so you don't know how thankful he must be that Jaekyung came to his life so of course he would either fall for him or be dependent on him.

I'm not saying JK is okay, I'm telling you guys that he at least saved Kim Dan (and his grandmother) from financial crisis.

Heck Kim Dan could've been dead sooner or later from the debt collectors beating him to death because he will never ever be able to pay them and that would literally kill his grandmother too. Or if his grandmother happen to die first, I'm pretty sure he will lose his will to live since she's the only person who cares for him.

Also, just to remind everyone, KD was about to get raped by those debt collectors before. If JK wasn't there, he would've been violated already and they might have sold him to be someone's sex toy even. Being with JK AND Team Black, he at least found himself some good friends and acquaintances. So stfu and don't blame my baby boy like that.

That shoulder. That's probably gonna be one of the reasons for JK to lose and I'm hoping KD wouldn't be blamed for it. I know this is far from happening but I wish JK would lose everything (except for his money) and KD stays with him through thick and thin. That would be the best revenge and karma for him, so he would learn that he actually needs KD too.

Ah this is too long

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Semantic Error

I hope we have a bit more. Even just an extra chapter where we see them living together or celebrating the success of veggie venturer. This has got to be one of the most realistic bl I've read so far and I will definitely miss them ╥﹏╥

It's not that I'm not frustrated, but seeing how this all started, it's not that far off the mark that they will have this kind of problem. What I really want to see is when Jaehyuk finally realises and accepts that he indeed is in love with Garam and how he's gonna work for it. Garam has a problem too, but we saw a bit of his past and now we understand why he's not really getting into a serious relationship. Our seme has already mellowed out a lot and I hope he doesn't take too much time realising his own feelings. He clearly needs more time working on how he would make Garam fall for him lol

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Jinx

Idc about Jaekyung's character anymore. I just want to see how things will unfold. However, I'm still hoping for Kim Dan's growth as a person. He clearly doesn't value himself because of the continuous degradation he's experiencing and because of how he's lived his life up to this day. I hope, in the future, even if we all hate Jaekyung, that he will be the reason for Kim Dan to finally see some worth in himself and he learns to stand up for himself. (not that I'm really hoping but this is just my wishful thinking lol)

Lol what a ride. Sad that it was the same old beta turned omega plot but they're all eye candies so it's a win for me. However, I don't like how super feminine Elle looks that most of the sex scenes looked like it was a hetero smut. Other than that, it's an okay read. If I'm gonna root for any one of them alphas, it would definitely be the knight ranked first, second is the real husband, and then the merchant. Because I want the merchant for myself LMAO


This only has 3 chapters and we already have 9.1 ratings with comments saying there's already smut and people are stepping out? Clearly a red flag. Such a shame. Still gonna save this for a later read if I remember at all lol

For new readers, please ignore the negative comments. The story is good, the art change is necessary, there is little romance, and the pacing is better than most. This is worth the read. Also, I hope the new artist doesn't get discouraged and continue to do this. I don't mind waiting for his/her improvement along the way.

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Seeing the comments made me not want to touch this until finished lol.

I love their dynamics! They're just perfect for each other hahahahaha. Both are horny and stupid it's just funny now whatever they do in the future

Anyway, looks like this isn't going to end soon if Deeta plans to turn himself in out of guilt. Still, Taichi has to be one of the best uke out there. He never lets off on complimenting Deeta's face as if he's trying to overwrite his hate towards his own face. I love them. So much ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Sex Exercise

More sex, less plot, but definitely better than most of the other hetero smuts. Might be my top 3 or 4 in the list. I loved all the pairings except for Miso and Hani. Miso definitely deserved better. He's the most loveable character out of all of them too. And although Woong and Soohyun is good, my favourite couple is still Hyuna and cute megane guy (sorry forgot his name).

Glad that he has Anna with him, tho I won't be surprised if next time that family will ask Anna to kill for them too

Also, can we see Deeta's whole face now!? I'd fvcking rip my hair off if this ends without us seeing his damn face, it seems like he has a very gentle, but rough and manly face from those steals. Let us see!!! Taichi make him happy okay? That big guy has such a frail heart, don't ever break it ┗( T﹏T )┛

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Jinx

Tbfh, I smiled and got excited how this chap started. I'm like, "Ohhh! Finally, here it comes! JK is finally having his internal conflict about Dan and he's about to show pretty guy that doc is his!“ and fvck yeah, he sure did. But that's not how it should be done Jaekyung-ah. That's just wrong. So wrong. I'm still going to read this because of the art. Also, I really want to see how it goes, since we're basically still at the early stages of the story, but if JK doesn't suffer before he gets Dan's love and Dan just went and fell in love with him, I'mma drop this immediately. Pleeeaaase. Author-nim, you gotta make this work. Don't let Kim Dan fall for JK without having him suffer┗( T﹏T )┛

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Honey Bear

Damn. One of the few moments we can see the uke playing with the seme's nips, love it ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Good luck boss, you're digging your own grave. Or are you the one being dug? Anyway, lemme go find my own Geonwoo bye (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

This is simply just a ridiculously perverted manhwa so don't expect much lmao. It's stupidity and hilarity was what made me read it until the end tho ( ̄∇ ̄") Also, there was no redeeming qualities for any of them, all the seme AND the uke were equally stupid and perverted so you can't really hate any of them either hahahahahahahahaha anyway. I want the half human half dragon to have more of the uke because he was the must useful for him - end -

Tsukishima Kai created a topic of Jinx

I just hope Jaekyung came with Dan. I would drop this if I ever see Dan being other people's sex toy too. I mean, handling Jaekyung's bullshit is enough so I hope he never lets Dan get it from other people too.

One of the best! Their story isn't as cliche and is more on the mature side. The side characters are likeable but I really want to read a story about Chaehyun and Euihyun as well. Be it them as a couple or just a story of their own. I'm definitely saving this for re-reading!!!

WTF so all the frustrations I felt since ch. 67 was for this moment? I was about to drop this manhwa because of those chapters! I thought they were unnecessarily long (3 chapters of sex is really long) and I thought the author just decided to abandon this manhwa. I'm glad I'm reading this in one sitting.

HOW ARE THEY SO ADORABLE AND CUTE TOGETHER?! I just want them to have a happy ending omg I'm literally crying over this couple. I didn't expect to be this invested in them ┗( T﹏T )┛