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milk's experience ( All 0 )

milk's answer ( All 20 )

about lmao
i dont think i could ever see shrek the same again ╥﹏╥   reply
20 06,2021
about crying
19 06,2021
a questionable selection of photos you have there........(⊙…⊙ )   reply
19 06,2021
about question
07 06,2021
they dont like me so i dont like them ╥﹏╥   reply
07 06,2021
about question
there a song called "tiny little adiantum" and there a singer on yt called rainych who does song covers in japanese which are really cute. oh and yaosobi and takayan are also good artistsヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
03 06,2021
about question
ran into me then had the audacity to start crying like ik i have a huge ass but it dont mean i cant feel pain   1 reply
27 05,2021

milk's question ( All 0 )