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What the fuck is wrong with both of them!!!!!! Please if i could i want take away that baby from these toxic parents!!! Fucking crazy (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Free in Dreams

Fuckkkk you cannot do this to meeee arghhhh whyy ficking cliffhangerrr anrhgjh and he wore a ring i supposed that is to keep away all the other girls ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Omggg omgggg i wanna have what they havee arghhhhh ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Can someone recommend me something similar to this

Not my baby rion!!!! Someoneee protect him they better came and rescue him before that ugky bitch finds him or else ill be pissed. I swear to god i wanna give that bitch a smack she’s fucking pissed me off (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of The Beast Within

I guess one is red flag another one is colour blind…. That fits well( ̄∇ ̄")

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Limited Run

The fuckk thats it??? The author better have some cute side stories later im dyinggg this cant be it
( ̄∇ ̄")

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Jinx

Fuckkk dont fall dannnnn shittt thats all just alcohol he woont remember fuckkkkkkk arghhhh this is nightmareeeee

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Jueun

We need spoilersssss (/TДT)/

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of The Beast Within

I have to admit the best part of reading this manhwa was the comments that will flooded after each chapter posted

Author if you have mental issue please go to therapy bcs now i feel like i have to be the one going therapy instead

Please this is just unbearable. I hope she just get divorce that guy treat her like shit and still had the audacity to “check on her circle” just bcs she’s friend with a man he’s been sticking up with that bixh please. Fucking jerk

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Jinx

For real?? For really??? Dan standard is literally is literally down in the center of the earth kinda low

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Free in Dreams

My babies is growing ╥﹏╥ he's trying so hard to change for jeongmin. We love a man with character development with all the trauma and he's trying guys

Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Honey Bear


Rainbowunicorn created a topic of Heavy Snow

Like seriously I hate the man he needs to back off sexual harassment, sexual favour, manipulative bastard. But gurl are you stupid??? I'm sorry the more I read the more I wanna scream ヽ(`Д´)ノ