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Holy music stops.'s feed

Holy music stops. created a topic of The Mafia Nanny

Y'all actin like Davina wasn't set up as a character that HAVE emotions!! She wasn't made to be a cold and apathetic she was made to have a heart!!!!!!! She was made to have emotions!!!!!! Stop protecting ur y/n fantasies on her!!!!

At the very beginning she was built on the foundation of wanting to protect kids. Kids!!! Meaning she needs to be empathetic and understanding so she can connect with the kids she babysits! And yeah it is kinda dumb that she was shocked that they kill people but at the same time sometimes you gotta see it to believe it!! She's aware! For example ur aware that there are real murders near ur house ur scared for what about to come but you have a neighbor that you know is a criminal but you also don't really remember it that much because life happens then suddenly ur neighbor holds a severed head Infront of you and you know he's a criminal but you didn't remember he was!!! Give Davina a break!!!!

Also Davina isn't head over the heels inlove with the guy she's flustered!!!!! Guys!!!!! Critical thinking please!!!!! Read in between the lines!!!!! Analyze!!!!! Don't take everything at face value and think of the implications!!!!!!!!!! Dear God!!!!!!