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chuuigi want to do ( All 1 )

graduate college

chuuigi's experience ( All 0 )

chuuigi's answer ( All 13 )

when you know, from the get-go, it's a story glorifying abuse in relationships. even worse when the abused ends up with the abuser in the end after a miraculous redemption arc (blegh).   reply
24 01,2024
about question
surviving the idgaf war of 2023, barely made it out alive, but im thriving   reply
12 01,2024
about question
yall dont come at me but... i hate sasuke.   3 reply
29 05,2021
about question
i had this one friend, he was bisexual, and i had this other friend (she was straight) i remember talking to her on discord and for some reason she decided to bring him up, i was confused as to why but i didn't question it, because at the time i had a really bad crush on her. like, so down bad so i introduced her to him (with his permission ofc) ......   1 reply
27 05,2021
part 2 ?   2 reply
24 05,2021

chuuigi's question ( All 2 )

about question
any of you book lovers know a series/book similar to the off-campus series...?
29 05,2021
he literally threatened to kill me all because i didn't let him go one my laptop. he literally sat right next to me and went "you're gonna wish you haven't slept over, because when you're asleep i will tie you up and stab you." im not scared or anything, he's a lil pussy, ik he wont do it. but he's like what ??? three years younger than me? and carries twenty plus pounds on me... and on top of that he had the audacity to call me a "dumb bitch" like im not the one slamming a two years old face into the door and asking people to stab him?? the fuck...
26 05,2021

People are doing

want to do going to concerts

i need to see loona or i guess loosemble, artms, yves and chuu in concert one day brah i regret not going when they were near me so baddddd

3 hours
did going to concerts

- catfish and the bottlemen
- omar apollo
- txt (2x!!)

10 hours
want to do going to concerts

kiof world tour when…?! also i wanna see nmixx live once in my life soon as that happens i’ll die happily

20 hours