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fuck off i wanna sleep's feed

Normally, I wouldn't like these "I reincarnated as" type of mangas/novels/webtoons as soon as I see the title, but there's something about breaking out of the formula or whatever you call it.

And the most I like about this manga breaking out of the Reincarnated MC Formula is that girl isn't even close to being a Mary Sue. Like, absolutely no concrete plans, she's just winging it with a shit ton of hope and perseverance that her brother might even have a wick of possibly not becoming a serial murder killer. And that's her only goal. Keep her damn psychopathic step brother entertained enough not to get bored and end up killing everybody. And let's admit it, it's a shit strategy compaired to every other FL you see reincarnated into a game. Girl thinks she can bend water or some shit.

But unfortunately, she's dealing with a psychopath, and oh boy, those guys are damn near unfixable by Heroine Guide to Changing The Course of Events 101. But, OH, WHAT'S HAPPENED? He ended up becoming OBSESSED with her! GASP! What a twist! It's a bit weird and unexpected, but I'm not complaining. Actually, it makes it even more exciting to anticipate the end result.